General Discussion

General DiscussionLooking for people to play 2 man party ranked stacks

Looking for people to play 2 man party ranked stacks in General Discussion

    Now that I have reached 5k solo I want to raise some group MMR.
    I am at 3,6k group mmr right now so should be really easy for the first 50 games.
    Tell me if you are interested, I 'll add you

    Edit: I play offlane only

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      Trust this cuck. He plays very good no kappa

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        Joe you should work on your scammed account and not bother honest peoples threads man


          Alright m8.Goodluck finding some lads to play with ;-)

          Giff me Wingman

            Feel free to add.

            Story Time

              I may wanna add you :) similar story with party mmr being lower than solo. And i am support most of the time. Playing time evening of european time (22 00 till 1 00)

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                Still looking for people

                Giff me Wingman


                  He's abusing my mappo skielz. pls rapp0rt h1m

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                    Forgot to mention that I'm gonna need some 3k to carry my heavy ass on Legion offlane.
                    Good thing I found this Keepo spammer...


                      Why 2 man stack only? I play party, support mainly there, supporting Blunts ass in LP :D

                      Add me if you like some help on it, dual off seems strong and fun. Im 3k trash and I TriHard but thats your party mmr anyway so you will have ez time there I guess xD

                      5man stacks are preffered for this mmr gain tho..

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                        I hope every sick fuck that queues duo party and embraces others to do so rots in hell for eternity. GOD hates DUOPARTY QUEUERS.


                          well i want to have a similar experience to solo ranked, thats why duo stacks
                          i dont want to play against any 5 man tryhard cucks in fucking all pick ranked ayy lmao. theres captains mode for that


                            Good points xD I felt that when I was stacking a lot once upon a time... Also are you on DB discord for the LULz and ez parties :)

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                              Add me up im 4k solo and about 3k party or something would like to play sumtime