General Discussion

General DiscussionHotd and dlance morph

Hotd and dlance morph in General Discussion

    Combined dlance and hotd
    20 agility
    18 str
    6 int
    140 attack range
    8hp regen
    10 attack speed aura
    Dominate a creep
    Linkens sphere
    15 all stats
    6hp regen
    150% mana regen
    Block spell every 13 sec
    So i have been wondering, getting a hotd dlance instead of linkens. As u can see it cheaper by 1100 and it gives more stats except mana regen. With a hotd u can jungle really early and u need the headress to be in a lane. Dlance is good to with early. The dominate a creep is very very good for jungling and ability from creep to help out the team and roshan. I am going to try this in a game to see if this is legit or not

    casual gamer

      im sure this is super legit T B H


        Considering how active you are supposed to be around the map, I don't think dominating a creep will be of much use to you. Maybe you can give shared unit control to your teammates but that's unlikely.

        One of the biggest pros of Linken's is the spell block. That one spell (Pudge blinking and Dismemebering you, Necro doing something similar with Scythe, or just an SK stun) could be the start of a successful gank. You splitpush a lot, and you are at the top of the enemy's gank list, it's too valuable to give up.

        Since you farm extraordinarily fast with your relative safety with Replicate, which allows you to farm the enemy jungle, you are gonna fill up those slots fast. Eblade, Skadi, BoTs, Manta, Linken's, maybe a BKB. You will be able to keep Linken's for late game, HotD might be okay if it still built into a Satanic but 7.00 happened.

        Better to just get one.

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        casual gamer

          Considering how active you are supposed to be around the map, I don't think dominating a creep will be of much use to you. Maybe you can give shared unit control to your teammates but that's unlikely.

          i mean i can m click an ice ogre click on them, then armor every once and a while worst comes to worst. The real use is the wolf creep giving you upwards of 90 (!!!) damage in the lategame, and getting to freely hit someone with 100-200 damage due to having the spammable purge creep at 8 minutes

          casual gamer

            you can tp on the creep so theres a little synergy. the creep can move from lane to lane pretty damn fast, it just takes some forethough

            one syllable anglo-saxon

              i think there's one problem with this build


              casual gamer


                dead before i could even achieve positive winrate


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                  yeah seems good


                    the only reason i ever see buying hotd on morph is against things that you need to dispel, with the small saytr creep

                    Cheap Laugh Guy

                      Actually real good but creep will be less of use mid game if playing Morph mobile across the map

                      Or maybeeeee, you don't dominate neutral creeps for the buffs, get 12% CD reduction then dominate lane creeps just so it can tank the tower for better pushing D: D: D: Actually makes sense because I always have problem with pushing tower as Morph because the creep wave always goes too soon forward

                      So Aquila HotD Tread and Linkens

                      DL has been nerfed slightly, it's not as rewarding before and the attack range isn't necessary since you're not gonna fight a lot with splitpushing playstyle, will get it last


                        cheap guy, you know that can be fixed BY LEARNING WHEN CREEPS SPAWN/WHERE THEY ARE AT GIVEN TIMES

                        why buy a costly ass item to fix something 5 minutes of testing in a lobby would fix

                        i mean that's basic knowledge, everyone needs to know that.

                        Cheap Laugh Guy

                          So do you... control the lane equilibrium by jungling instead of pushing or you push slower?
                          I don't get it I just lane and push whenever I can xD
                          Alright I will get into 5 minutes of lobby now


                            Mind that not every game will he linkens game. It might be axe call or slad crush. In this case, scouting the gank with creep maybe even better or ice armor. You also can use the purge creep to do some crazy things. Do keep in mind you can smoke and solo rosh by ice ogre and your own hero. Also with boots aquila and hotd you can jungle quite fast. I think go hotd dlance bot is the other build here. You can bot join a fight then you can just replicate if you win the fight and push all tower. This build is cheaper with more global presence. And hotd is a fucking good item on late game. Domi a wolf creep and put the hotd to the backpack

                              Этот комментарий удален модератором

                                I believe that this has been an alternative build for a few patches now, since dragonlance was introduced.
                                I also think that a more midgame oriented build such as this one is more relevant than getting 5k gold item naked, atleast in dota 3


                                  Seems like a very good fighting build, which is what you need now most of the times, should try it.

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