General Discussion

General Discussionplease guys !It'd be cool for me if u pay attention here

please guys !It'd be cool for me if u pay attention here in General Discussion

    Can a 5k player rise from 3 to 4k in a short time ? How much time (games ) u required to cross 3k brCket ? Cuz if a player is 5k he must ve crossed 3k bracket sometime in his dota life ,being 3k i can tell u its very hard ! I m not complaining abt teammates .or i m doing good but team sucks ...etc , cuz all of u know 3k mentality .. Feeding intentionally if u TT .. Stealing creeps ...supports asking carries if they can support and much more ... I know this does not happen in every game but that mentally disturbs . i ll thank everyone who ll tell me how they handled , survived and crossed this bracket ! No trashtalk please :-P


      LoL , no one is gonna put some thoughts :(

      not arin

        if a player is 5k then he will be able to rise from 3k to 4k with like 90% winrate

        im too lazy to do the proper math but it would be less than 50 games


          pretty sure 5k boosters in 3k wouldnt mind buying a few wards or a courier if his support refuses to.

          Cheap Laugh Guy

            They calibrate at 4k if they try xD
            SEA server xD

            If my memory serves, people in 3k low still go 5 carries 90% of the time
            Playing support is quite a dirty way to get through
            But you have to understand supporting isn't just ward and not stealing lasthits in laning stage

            casual gamer

              3k brackets literally nothing i could probably win every game if i went full autism and picked the same mid hero every game

              Cheap Laugh Guy

                Ahhh too bad, you're a typical carry picker just like the rest of them
                And really greedy heroes
                You're gonna stay there a long long time if you don't expand your hero pool to something more active early game

                casual gamer

                  for the record i calibrated at ~3300 when ranked was introduced. i got up to 4k slowly, but didnt start climbing until 2016. i got from 4400 to low 5k spamming WW void, then high 5k with tree luna slardar

                  casual gamer

                    soo probably 40-50 games max. nobody can actually stop me from meeting a cores win condition with 3k laning ability


                      So JDF8 , can u give me some tips to imrpove myself as a dota player ?

                      casual gamer

                        do ur best to not let ur teammates badness not get in ur head. thyere going to be bad a LOT . you just have to focus on what you can improve to win urself. theres games that are awful and people feed in 6k avg games, so ur never going to be rid of retards. the only thing u can do is figure out what plays you can make to maximize ur chance of winning

                        thats why i spent a lot of time just playing 1-2 heroes, it lets me isolate my mistakes and makes laning a lot simpler because i get used to a heroes damage and swing time + i learn the limits of what you can do with the hero.

                        It's easier toclimb if you pick the best heroes in the game (carry mid offlane support : luna/lycan necro underlord tree) simply because theyre so good you have a higher % chance to win.

                        casual gamer

                          itsa long fucking road to improve, but you have to do it one tiny improvement at a time


                            @JDF8 .
                            Thank you very much :-)


                              I think for me 3 weeks i just play 5-6 games everyday so it will take so long

                              Этот комментарий был изменён

                                everyone has their own meta.
                                every bracket (range of ~400 MMR) has own meta. what is considered a good pick / good itemchoice / good playstyle in 3k might be a flamed mistake in 4k and be good again in 4,5 k. i passed through 3k a long time ago playing clockwork mostly. I cant tell you what 3k meta is right now. probably more ludacris and stupid then any1 would/could imagine.
                                you dont need to change your playstyle everytime you rise 400 mmr but if you are stuck in one place i suggest trying out different stuff (more focus on farming, more focus on ganking, lower threshold when you say 'ok fk it i go supp this game', spam some strong mid, w/e).

                                1-IceTea 🌟

                                  Go jungle and 4K easy


                                    I'm 100% sure road from 3000 to 4000, even for 5k mmr won't be 90%

                                    Unless we're talking about high 5k like 5800-5900, which is more like 6k.

                                    A low 5k player will have less than 90% winrate overall.

                                      Этот комментарий удален модератором
                                      Johnny Rico

                                        I can safely say, its easy to carry 2-3k, if you have the righf mentality


                                          I can safely say if you are 700 mmr you are probably being held down by your teammates and deserve 7000 mmr