General Discussion

General DiscussionSo RIP cliff-jungle-farming?

So RIP cliff-jungle-farming? in General Discussion

    NP and Venom, also QoP are sad


      Good. GOOD. Fuck this shit, always too slow, pants down when ganked, game losing strategy.

      casual gamer

        this was never good

        1-IceTea 🌟

          That's a worst jungle pattern for tard that can't use their brain.

          Pale Mannie

            fuck those guys honestly glad icefrog heard my calls


              Why not? I mean, u dont leech exp from other teammates (if they can stand their ground and farm). It's almost the same as safelane carry farm


                1- it's way slower than regular farming
                2- you're making your team play 4v5

                one syllable anglo-saxon

                  what happened?


                    It was only viable with POTM who could radiant cliff a 10 min ags with arrows and clarities.

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                      What's this topic about


                        Cliff-ancients veno or jungle veno was very good and underrated and you all found out about it when it was demonstrated in a pro game.

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                        not arin

                          It's almost the same as safelane carry farm

                          my sides just reached the orbit


                            I mean you are safe for sure. No-one will disturb u, besides pudge ofc.


                              Cliff venom is shit. Earlier you could get faster lvl 6 with normal jungling. Even in pro scene I think there was a match where someone did that in 3:20-30 sth