General Discussion

General DiscussionSlardar: Tranqs vs Treads

Slardar: Tranqs vs Treads in General Discussion

    Which am I supposed to go for? The guides seem to be pretty 50/50 on them


      I feel like if your going to transition into more of a carry slardar then maybe you go treads. and if your a support slardar or a utility slardar then maybe tranquils or tranquils if your really struggling to stay in lane. but im not sure


        the games i see are more of 95/5 in favour of tranquils

        Riguma Borusu

          Ask yourself:
          Am I realistically going to hit anything?
          Am I often going to be forced to go to base/use shrine due to hp loss after a gank? (this is less of a deterrant on slardar than most other heroes, because he can go to base really quickly, but still)
          Would I benefit from more movement speed or attack speed?
          Can I survive this lane?

          There are games where slardar really isn't going to hit people much (and can feed in lane without tranquils) so you should figure out what games those are. If they have a fuckton of disables and damage and it isn't realistic you're going to hit people until you get a bkb, you could as well just get tranquils. Treads are really good with the hero but they don't do much if you aren't hitting people a lot, and you'll find that there are many slardar games where you'll have dealt 4th most damage on your team because one of your supports was able to directly provide more damage.

          In other words, you should gauge the situation carefully. There are games where you go treads blink armlet bkb ac, and there are games where you might as well get a fucking euls along with your force staff, because you hitting things is not realistic, considering how hard the enemy carry hits or how many disables they have. So blinking in, crushing, forcing staff yourself after amplifying one target is safer and more beneficial.

          You aren't going to get a shitload of farm, and slardar is bad at farming anyway, so going toe to toe with people is often not an option.

          Going treads and confidently blinking into enemies might lose you games because you are more likely to feed that way, without actually killing people. Sometimes just being mobile and slippery (and always with full hp) is preferred by far.

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          < blank >

            Why do the normal skill, high skill boys always drop so much text?


              TripleSteal- 5k games

              dont go for tranquil , or u will get kda like 0 7 9.

              Riguma Borusu

                @arabname: Why do the blue star-less boys live in the delusion they aren't awful at the game as well, while having more games played on the account than their MMR? Some things we will never know, indeed.

                Этот комментарий был изменён

                  tranqs are the right choice bcus slardar is just suppose to spam ulti+stun, hes not really a hitter, and a little advice dont get early lvls on bash.

                  casual gamer

                    i love treads :D

                    Riguma Borusu

                      ^Everyone loves games where they can get away with treads on slardar. It feels really good to hit people, especially when the bash just connects after your crush.

                      casual gamer

                        seriously i dont buy traanqs


                          if you are pro, u never need tranquil on slardar

                          but if u are noob, u will need it.

                          Riguma Borusu

                            top1 slardar goes treads
                            top2 goes a combination of treads and tranquils
                            top3 goes tranqs almost exclusively

                            I know dbuff rankings are garbage and those 3 are all pro players, but I guess it's a matter of playstyle more than anything else, then.

                            Like this noob?

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                            casual gamer

                              i just prefer picking people off with ias and farming faster over increased regeneration and ms, i also will almost never go midas or dom on this hero, but other people do

                              casual gamer

                                the fact that people take the dogshit mana talent at lvl 13-14 instead of hp regen absolutely blows my fucking mind by the way


                                  why is that
                                  if ure a support with tranqs then mana is probs the correct choice idk
                                  also has a 0.7% advantage if that means anything

                                  casual gamer

                                    idk man the hero doesnt need mana pool as far as i can tell, just mana regen

                                    maybe its more of an issue with tranqs and no treads, but with drop wand ive never run out of mana even going shadow straight after blink every game