General Discussion

General Discussionwhy is this?

why is this? in General Discussion
casual gamer

    radiant has 7%+ winrate in every bracket, what advantage does dire have that i (apparently) am using?

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      do u know how many heroes have generally higher winrate on the dire side, relative to the radiant side?

      casual gamer

        not the heroes that i'm picking in ranked, namely tree sniper slardar and mk

        one syllable anglo-saxon

          do u know how many heroes have generally higher winrate on the dire side, relative to the radiant side?

          i think i've seen hero winrates by sides and every single hero has higher radiant wr

          one syllable anglo-saxon

            it's probably just a coincidence anyway, 80 games isn't statistics by any means

            Yung Beethoven

              Well the new map benefits the dire side. you can get the rune as mid AND block the creeps, which is pretty damn good to start with. Also, again, look at the new rune spots. Every dire rune spot is on a highground, while radiants rune spots are lowground or dont benefit from the highground