General Discussion

General DiscussionSafelane LC HC

Safelane LC HC in General Discussion

    Says he wants LC safelane > I say he isn't a safelaner, don't pick him > He picks him > they pick spec > we lose.
    How did this 1k scrub end up in my game, I don't know.


      I sense another rant thread, and people coming to slap some sense into him.

      But D-K patients never understand, and they will always be salty.

      rant + D-K + sensible players = solid thread 5/7.

      Riguma Borusu

        LC has a much faster tempo than spectre, and can abuse her in the early game and finish the game while spectre is still coming online. It can work, because LC is also really good at hitting buildings. But in 3k, it mostly boils down to who has the harder carry. A well built, farmed and duel'd LC can take spectre on even lategame, the problem is that spectre will kill the whole team.

        If you choose to play this, keep in mind that your priority should be on taking towers out as quickly as you can so that the spectre can't farm anywhere, and since you've picked a hero that's good at taking towers down (especially when properly itemized), you can pull it off even if your team is brain damaged.

        But yeah, most of the time the hardest carry wins in 3k.

        Этот комментарий был изменён

          It is a rant thread because I'm sick of this game's shit. Everyone wants to take safelane but none can carry. Certainly not this garbage who thinks lc is a viable safelane carry. It's always my team with the retards like him


            Keep in mind their spec had radiance by 19 min and our lc had 2 duels total in a 40 min game. He got outplayed and outfarmed by a solo offlane puck.

            Этот комментарий был изменён
            Riguma Borusu

              ^you played jungle ursa, no right to complain

              I spam a lot of jungle too, but then I don't complain that lanes are lost or that we didn't get a proper momentum because I sure as hell didn't help. Maybe if you picked a strong dual laner spec wouldn't get free farm? When I play spec I REALLY REALLY hope the enemy picks a jungler so I can enjoy my free farm and have 10 kills by 20 minutes because nobody can stop me ever again.

              Honestly that game's completely on you, every 3k game is winnable, and it's not your team being trash, it's you along with your team.

              Also if you're good for your bracket it's statistically impossible that your team is always worse, face the reality dude.

              3.6k, 5k games and about flat 50% winrate = you're where you belong, among the people who are just as bad as you (actually most people are better than you because they haven't spent last 10 years in 3.6k, unlike you)

              The fact that you don't realize it's your fault that spec has a 19 min radiance is why you're never going to get even 100 more MMR and keep it.

              Этот комментарий был изменён

                Knew you were going to mention that. I went jungle Ursa to prove a point, which I did. He got shit on, I was the reason the game lasted that long. I wanted safelane but he took it from me by picking lc safelane, and he got owned. Not because of space, not because of ganks, not because of wards, no because of a lack of a support.
                1) He can't play or farm for shit.
                2) He picked safelane lc.
                No reason to take safelane farm as an lc if you can get a dagger by 6 min in the jungle and start getting duels. He got his blink LATE and still afk farmed.

                Riguma Borusu

                  Alright, so you did something to prove a point, you lost the game, and now you're complaining?

                  Good god, I feel lucky you play on US, there's physically no chance I will ever get to play with you, people like you seriously tilt me (but I still don't blame them for losses because I know every game is winnable).

                  Этот комментарий был изменён

                    I'm in this shitty bracket because this game is retarded. Most of the games I win are because I carried, not because I got carried.
                    When you have an LC taking safelane farm, a tinker randoming after having a mid and going offlane and a TA that managed to lose mid to a pudge. Ursa jungle was the reason these retards didn't get shit on more

                    Riguma Borusu

                      In the end, with 5k games under your belt, every single loss you have at 3.6k is 100% your fault, believe me. I have half your games, have higher MMR, and I consider that I am responsible for every loss, too. Get a fucking perspective, man. You'll never get better if it's always someone else's fault.


                        What did you want me to do? Trilane support lc against a solo puck? They had a jungle and everything was fine. Comes down to how retarded your carry is.

                        Riguma Borusu

                          Well, I would have liked you to find a way to destroy the enemy ancient. You didn't. That's -25 for you.

                          Этот комментарий был изменён

                            Please do enlighten me. Why does our lc have 2 duels in 35 min? Was it my fault he couldn't blink and dual? I'm sure it was according to you. I should've controlled his hero and dueledfor him right?


                              Not everyone belongs in the bracket they're in. This is dota and it's shitty matchmaking.

                              Riguma Borusu

                                I won't get deep into analyzing your game because you still won't learn anything off of it (and I would probably not say something too profound, either), but when everything is averaged, you win as much as you lose, and are where you belong, among people who play as badly as you.

                                The only kind of rant I accept is from people who have 60%+ ranked winrate and get really tilted sometimes, but those people are only ranting about that game in particular, while rising. You aren't rising, you'll remain there forever. So I don't respect your rant a single bit.

                                I don't care why my LC has 2 duels in 35 minutes. I don't care why my tinker fed 4-11. I try to win the game. I succeed, or fail. Doesn't matter. Eventually I will get more MMR because I have 60%+ ranked winrate and am rising whenever I play ranked.

                                Why can't you do the same? Because it's always your teammates' fault.

                                Not everyone belongs in the bracket they're in.

                                You're right. I don't, because I have 60% ranked winrate. But every time I play, I rise. You do, because you don't rise. You're where you belong. Eventually I will peak out, I will get where I belong and maybe I won't be able to rise anymore, even if I put everything I have into it. There's no shame in not being able to win MMR, but bitching about teammates, now that's another story.

                                This is dota and it's shitty matchmaking.

                                If you try to argue with statistics, you're literally retarded (not understanding simple concepts has to do with having a learning disability, among other things).

                                Этот комментарий был изменён

                                  Team game. You get a useless safelaner, you lose the game. Plain and simple. This whole talk about you can still win if your team is shit is complete bullshit. This isn't a 1v5, it's a team game. You get useless fucks, you lose. And I am rising, I was 3.3k like last week, no thanks to the shitty teammates I get. 600/5000 games ranked isn't a lot FYI. You're talking as if I have 5000 ranked games.


                                    There's a reason I win when I play with my friends. We have mics, we talk, strategize, and win. Solo however, you get non English speakers, mid or afk'ers, safelane or feeders etc.
                                    This is probably the worst gaming community ever. Some people just don't give a fuck, that lc being a prime example

                                    Riguma Borusu

                                      Team game. You get a useless safelaner, you lose the game. Plain and simple. This whole talk about you can still win if your team is shit is complete bullshit. This isn't a 1v5, it's a team game.

                                      You believing dota is a team game at 3k is hilarious. But also kinda sad. You pick whatever and win the game, that's it. You don't care what everyone else is doing as long as you have an idea what to do at every moment and pick a fitting hero. There's a reason why a 6k player would win every single game you lost. Because he's way better than you. And you believe you need to control somebody else's hero because you have a superiority complex, after being 3.6k for a decade.

                                      You get useless fucks, you lose. And I am rising, I was 3.3k like last week, no thanks to the shitty teammates I get. 600/5000 games ranked isn't a lot FYI. You're talking as if I have 5000 ranked games.

                                      I am talking as if you have ~4.5k hours of dota and still can't win 3.6k games. That's fucking terrible, especially if you still blame others. You still have 50% ranked winrate, whatever you won you also lost so you never earned a single point of MMR and kept it. You're the epitomy of an useless teammate. I never put faith into 50% winrate guys to win me MMR, because they won't, they might win or lose, it's a 50/50 flipcoin. It's not reliable. I can only win if I focus on doing everything well myself.

                                      And I don't even tryhard, I literally spam bs jungle and rise from 3000 to 3800 in a few weeks. And I didn't lose that MMR.

                                      Why? Why was I able to do that, and you weren't? I had useless teammates too, I just didn't care. Sometimes I was the useless teammates, sometimes my pick lost the game, shit happens. But I'd analyze and figure out it was me a lot of the time. I don't have a fucking superiority complex, I really respect that everyone wants to win MMR, I just don't try to do it myself because it's the only tried and true tactic at 3k.

                                      Этот комментарий был изменён
                                      1-IceTea 🌟

                                        Alright just finished my pop corn.

                                        Everyone belong to their bracket I am sure about this. ( Provided not acc buyer/boosted and play rank quite often.
                                        LC carry can be won if you all play fast and close the game before 35mit


                                          Useless teammates is one thing, and having feeders is another. Again, this isn't a 1v5, I don't care what hero you pick, you will lose if your team is feeding/useless. If you're offlaning and your team loses mid and safelane, what do you do? Carry them as offlane void that barely got to farm?

                                          Riguma Borusu

                                            1) You will still win more than >50% games if you're better than everyone
                                            2) You can't win more than >50% of the games
                                            3) You're where you belong
                                            4) End
                                            5) If you disagree with this, you literally believe that math doesn't work

                                            You've had 5000 games to prove that you're better than everyone who is matched with/against you. You failed. Whose fault is it? Yours. Why should anyone care about you ranting about a single game where you got really bad teammates? That's right. Nobody should care. Everyone gets those games. And a better player would still win them. You didn't.

                                            Этот комментарий был изменён

                                              Everyone has their roles, this 1v5 bullshit and not caring how much your team is feeding is nonsense. Your safelaner farms to secure mid-late game. Mid farms/ganks accordingly, offlane harasses/roams. If you're doing your part and your safelaner is shit, YOU WILL LOSE.


                                                You still think dota is a 1v5 game. I would've loved for you to be that LC's support

                                                Riguma Borusu

                                                  Everyone has their roles, this 1v5 bullshit and not caring how much your team is feeding is nonsense.

                                                  Roles don't exist in 3k. You live in denial and have no fucking idea how your bracket works, which is because you aren't analyzing the game at all, you are just running around, doing random shit, while blaming teammates.

                                                  Your safelaner farms to secure mid-late game. Mid farms/ganks accordingly, offlane harasses/roams. If you're doing your part and your safelaner is shit, YOU WILL LOSE.

                                                  Then pick another carry and farm the safelane alongside him? Pick something with big right click damage and last hit better than him (because you're better, right), and win the game?

                                                  Why aren't you winning games? Oh right. You can't. Because you're just as bad as they are and have no idea how to win games.

                                                  You still think dota is a 1v5 game. I would've loved for you to be that LC's support

                                                  In 3k, it mostly is. And yeah, I don't play supports unless it's LPQ, fuck that. I am terrible at supporting but I can win if I play a core, with 60%+ efficiency.

                                                  I hope that you realize that, no matter what you say, I still have superior data to back up my opinions? Like, you have no standing in this discussion. It really doesn't matter what you think when you talk about ranked matchmaking, if you can't win games.

                                                  Этот комментарий был изменён
                                                  M U R D E R

                                                    Pretty sure to win everything you need to do more than just "your part"

                                                    Riguma Borusu

                                                      ^he doesn't even need to win everything, he just needs to win, say, 55% of the games, but he barely wins 50%

                                                      his ranked matchmaking is a coin toss simulator because he has no impact, and just blames everyone else for literally everything

                                                      Этот комментарий был изменён

                                                        So you're suggesting I should've gone with the jugg pick and fought lc for safelane and make him rage/feed?


                                                          I blame when they're retards. You have to be some kind of trash to have 2 duels in 35 min.


                                                            He took the farm most available and did jack shit with it. That's why I'm blaming that trash

                                                            Riguma Borusu

                                                              So you're suggesting I should've gone with the jugg pick and fought lc for safelane and make him rage/feed?

                                                              Maybe, who knows? There was a key to winning that game, you just didn't have it.

                                                              I blame when they're retards. You have to be some kind of trash to have 2 duels in 35 min.

                                                              Well, I blame you for not winning more than 50% games in your own fucking bracket.

                                                              This game we had no support:

                                                              But I was the greediest pick since I jungled, so I bought as many wards as we needed to win the game. I didn't pick BS jungle to play support, but I wanted to win so I did that. You just have no idea how to win games even in your bracket, so you'll stay there forever.

                                                              There's no "doing your part" in 3k, there's just understanding what you need to win the game, and proceeding to do it. Everything else is an excuse.

                                                              Этот комментарий был изменён
                                                              M U R D E R

                                                                No idk the specifics of your game but you could have tried your best to enable him and help early duels etc... i often havi this problm mysself so i dont rly know. Ut i know that if youre good enough you can win so much more than what others can.


                                                                  Yeah it's all my fault. I have 4 useless fucks I have to carry every game. How dare I rely on someone to just not be shit. I have to pick the safelaner, gank, buy the wards, farm, roam, watch them feed, solo carry them late game. My bad, I've been playing dota wrong all these years

                                                                  casual gamer

                                                                    man ur attitude is probably holding you back more than anything xd


                                                                      Haha its 3k did you expect smart players? :/


                                                                        This game triggers me. Far too many shouldn't be playing it.

                                                                        Riguma Borusu

                                                                          The only way to win MMR is to win games that you shouldn't be able to win at your skill level, but you still win. You don't do that. You're completely average in the bracket you're playing at, so everything that you spit at your teammates goes back at you.

                                                                          That LC has 51.01% ranked winrate, compared to your 50.90%. The difference is small, but he's still (marginally) better at winning ranked games (and MMR) than you are.

                                                                          This game triggers me. Far too many shouldn't be playing it.

                                                                          Ye, probably a time for you to retire. I mean, you won't grow since you're stuck at 50% winrate, so might as well quit now, after going for 5k games, right?

                                                                          Этот комментарий был изменён

                                                                            Well that LC took safelane, farmed his 10 min dagger and managed to get 2 duels in 35 min. I wouldve t gotten that dagger by 6 min in the jungle and started getting duels. Again, this guy is a special kind of retard. He had blink and he had duel, and never left lane.

                                                                            Этот комментарий был изменён
                                                                            M U R D E R

                                                                              Well there are those games that seem barely winnable, especially if it involves party stack that way too low party mmr than its supposed to AND your team is shit.

                                                                              Like i remember i played in 1k and was against some 3k+ guys playing party mmr with 1k party. Smh no way my team would have won without someone making as good plays as they did.

                                                                              Theres a reason higher mmr people have ridiculous winrate in lower brackets.

                                                                              Этот комментарий был изменён
                                                                              Riguma Borusu

                                                                                What I don't get is why you're still talking about that LC guy instead of devising a strategy to win dota games.

                                                                                one syllable anglo-saxon

                                                                                  op why don't u use bloodstone in real life and stop posting on these forums


                                                                                    You could be a 5k if you spend all your time that you've spent to rant to fix your gameplay instead


                                                                                      rant + D-K + sensible players = solid thread 5/7

                                                                                      God I love being right.

                                                                                      saving private RTZ

                                                                                        'm in this shitty bracket because this game is retarded. Most of the games I win are because I carried, not because I got carried.

                                                                               you fed
                                                                               feeder again
                                                                               nice farm for 18 kills (P.S, sarcasm)
                                                                               feed but got carried
                                                                               fed very much, got carried

                                                                                        OP, there are psychologists who can help you:

                                                                                        So basically, from your last page of games, you fed in pretty much in 70% of your games, and in the ones you didn't you were rarely the reason you won, apart from that game with pudge where u went 12-0 or some shit. 1 games in a overview page is not really great, don't you think? It seems that you are getting carried rather then being the carry.

                                                                                        Also LC is a perfectly fine safelaner, you know nothing about this game.

                                                                                        Этот комментарий был изменён
                                                                                        casual gamer

                                                                                          5000 games of dota 2 and still awful

                                                                                          Riguma Borusu

                                                                                            ^it's okay to still be awful if you aren't hurting anyone

                                                                                            but people like this make me lose brain cells every time I come in contact with them because they're so delusional and it rubs off on me


                                                                                              rubs off eh?


                                                                                                You are just as likely to gain mmr because the other team has players who feed/are tilted etc. theres no magical matchmaking genie who puts all the cancerous players in your mmr bracket on your team.

                                                                                                Nobody ever comes on here to say that they got lucky because the other team picked 4 cores and a lion who wanted to carry and that they didnt play their best.

                                                                                                Vem Comigo

                                                                                                  She can outfight any carry with only level for 20 minutes, , thats why she is a good offlaner, but if she is on safe, its almost a ez win, you dont need much support, so roam with one guy and pull and babysit with another, win the game with duel dmg.


                                                                                                    safelane lc is fine