General Discussion

General DiscussionPudge feels too powerfull now?

Pudge feels too powerfull now? in General Discussion
Fee Too Pee

    just 3k scrub opinion

    like now as roamer pudge can just rot from 00.00 with ez slow from rot , plus map control meta , bounty rune etc

    but my point that i actually want to make is :
    All pudge abilities feels very powerfull with minimum farm , and even gamechanging spell with 4 sec cooldown with aghs (hook)

    i mean its okay right to have powerfull nuke as early game hero? and fall off late game like usual pos 4
    but lately is not rare to see him 3k - 4k hp in later stage of the game thx to talent tree

    2 spells that goes through bkb , interupt channeling both of them
    and is not rare at all see him suicide after diving killing your carry early game
    and focusing 10 sec to a fat pudge in teamfight is big actually

    25ish % pickrate all bracket and consistent 53 % winrate. that is a pickrate with high winrate seriously far from a "meme hero"
    hook + dismember + rot + hook again with aghs : that is spamable big nuke PURE + magic damage

    i do not know ,i just never win versus pudge lately.
    i just feel as position 4 to solo kill your mid or your carry at lvl 6 and beyond kinda powerfull maybe?

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      strong but not OP imo

      Cheap Laugh Guy

        Good pudge players are really challenging
        It takes some extra concentration to handle a game with Pudge
        Have to check the map more frequently

        And worst thing is when you're solo support trying to risk a ward without cover
        They have vision by supports over there and he just hooks into the deep dark
        Then he proceed to kill your other teammates who are good farmers

        Pudge games are all about vision and map awareness

        casual gamer

          good hero


            Definitely good but not op.


              My only issue with Pudge is that hook does 360 PURE damage when maxed. This makes it the best non-ultimate nuke in the game by quite a bit. Sure you can dodge it but it really does not need to do that much damage considering how good and versatile the skill already is.

              M U R D E R

                Hes been the strongest hero ingame for quite a while


                  Yah Pudge Is Good I wouldent Say OP tho... Advoid his Hook Everything Is good


                    Strong hero slightly far from being OP.


                      His hp doesnt have a limit and thats what makes him strong

                      Pontic Greek

                        I agree with the OP's thoughts, i know its sort of a rage post - 8 times out of ten you can deal with a Pudge, then you get that one guy who plays Pudge so well that it's a nuisance. Borderline Techies 6.84 annoying.

                        He can own the early game and create enough space to win a game for his team, or as the OP said he can land that one crucial hook late game to turn a game back to your teams favor if you are losing. Getting a hook and dismember on their teams carry for a 3 second disable out of position is game changing. Still as people have mentioned, it's a rage post IMO because at the end of the day - vision and good timing trumps pudge. If he misses the hook he is useless. (for 11 seconds LOL).

                        Then there is the blink/dismember pudge which is a whole other beast to deal with. You cannot "dodge" a smoked pudge with a blink dagger and dismember ready to go.


                          Ooooor you can just position yourself well and not let pudge get his 15 min dagger by fishing everyone in the map


                            Pudge is an amazing roaming support/roaming russian at the moment.


                              2 spells that interrupt channeling through BKB? Is there a new skill I don't know of, or a change to the mechanic regarding the interaction of hook and magic-immune targets?

                              Riguma Borusu

                                ^nope, still op as fuck


                                  Wait Hook mini-stuns magic-immune heroes!? I thought it did the pull and damage but no mini-stun is applied.

                                  Fee Too Pee

                                    ^ i still do not know mini stun or not about the hook, but it still change position and deal damage pure through magic immunity so ye.

                                    maybe kinda rage post idk lul
                                    i feel okay if he like unkillable after he got fed that the point of the hero was : tanky as fuck after succesfull gank / teamfight left and right

                                    but he deals so much PURE damage with 4 sec cooldown with also gamechanger or secure kill fight become 4 vs 5
                                    my point is like : as position 4, he is not falling off AT ALL. because his Aghs and his talent tree

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                                    The Medic Guy


                                      Vem Comigo

                                        he needs to do good early game, get a shitty lane die before getting xp and he is just a creep.

                                        Hook doesnt ministun heroes with mag-imu.

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                                          Pudge is he best at tilting ppl, I keep getting support who flames me for getting hook and die, when pudge is getting ez hook from fog and there is no ward on the map.