General Discussion

General DiscussionEmber ths patch can stomp mid

Ember ths patch can stomp mid in General Discussion

    Nerf hamme incoming?


      thats veil things seems funny, now hes like a nuker initiator


        Funny ? It's genius. It's the only build I'd recommend.

        Fee Too Pee

          ember still have some issues thou : easily get shut down in laning phase, he kinda too weak in laning

          new build give him cover up for some his troubles thou :
          - Squishy (Veil build bonus armor stats , Octarine)
          - Now more fucking mobility and utility (Cooldown reduction , 5 sec root chains , Blink dagger 7 - 8 cd with octarine and talent tree)
          - Magic damage fall off very quick (covered with veil , talent tree , and octarine)
          - Now can online pretty quick and still relevant through early to late game (Not just squishy split push travel BF , one stun = dead)

          Pretty much he feel powerfull now because his magic damage now more relevant to mid game and actually scaling now (Spam chains for days)

          casual gamer

            kinda sucks because im awful at mid and thats basically where his role has shifted

            Giff me Wingman

              ember was and is dogshit


                Ember is a fucking late game boss. The only way to win him is to shut him down early before he gets travels fury manta and becomes practically unkillable.

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                fear is the mind killer

                  ^ lmaooo


                    did someone say manta


                      hes stronger now, but nothing more


                        Whoever is mocking ember probably has never met a monster one in his pubs, he is absolutely devastating and the only one who can carry divines safely. Manta is played on ember to dodge the malevos and escape when he is countered. A lot of people when they have the gold lead have on them manta, linkens, dagger, fury, travels, daedalus and rat even better than magina, furion etc. I have a friend who is 5k and mains the hero and he is an absolute cancer that i hope to never meet in my pubs. Cause even in that game with bs that i stomped i almost lost it and i did it simply because we had both black hole and ravage in team. He is a hero that i hate to play with and against in my team. The guy who said lmao with 6kda and 66% winrate in 200 games as ember is scary as fuck. I fucking hate rat and split push i swear. Good luck trying to defend your racks, lol.

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                          ^Wtf dude, mad respect for your dagon ember.

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                          Jugo Boss

                            I Thought the veil, octarine core build was just a joke. Playing him with Boots of travel, battlefury, daedalus, linken, skady and rapier is the ideal build.


                              i broke my items yesterday when i saw that my ember had bots and a claymore

                              if u arent gonna go veil dont pick this hero


                                oykman its the memes i smoke fam xd


                                  "The only one who can carry divines safely"
                                  WEAVER ? ? ? ? ?
                                  Manta is good on manfighting ember but that shit isn't even a thing now
                                  One game is not good enough for sample size
                                  Plus anything works in normal skill, you can even first pick void and go MoM BF and still win your games if you're good enough


                                    Also yea ember is quite strong right now, but not OP or first pick material
                                    His talents are pretty much screaming nuker ember, not to mention the remnant buffs


                                      I think u go veil Dagon. It's legit.


                                        The new build is legit guys


                                          Zero trademark ayy


                                            Actually sumail started this veil ember nonsense , i just copied it and added dagon and radiance for ultra dank memes


                                              sumail didnt start it, people were doing it since the patch dropped


                                                Why not radi aether veil eblade?


                                                  Talent tree 15%+ veil 25%+ eb 45%= 85% spell amplification with -2 sec chains 3x300 remnant dmg dagon5=800 guard+rad burn and to top it all -15% cd on everything so yea totally legit


                                                    Fun fact if u get octa ur chains basically goes off cd after the duration so infinite chains seemsgood