General Discussion

General DiscussionMidas on pudge

Midas on pudge in General Discussion

    Its pretty good actually since his power spike is when he reach lv 25


      Nice powerspike 60 minutes into the game. Your 120 rot damage will be game changing or your big fat healthbar, which will protect your Ancient from being destroyed.\



        actually its very legit with shadowbalde


          Don't forget Echo Sabre so that Rot slow + Echo attack slow = superare slow powa.

          Why aren't pros doing this??//?


            no, im serious


              tried it as well, pretty decent when you know u need some items later on and u cant be farming shit so..


                Midas isnt bad on anyone. But pudge wud rather have items that complement his true power spikes, lvl 2 with rot and hook, and lvl 6.


                  Wait what lvl is ulti again?


                    Midas is good on any hero now if their talent is good. Esp on Pudge 120 Rot damage is useful when defending Megas or just killing supports. That Str multiplier is retarded, it's a free Tarasque lmao.

                    I don't know about SB though, were you serious about that?

                    the realm's delight

                      pretty sure pudge is the most broken hero in dota


                        Ignore this vaporwave guy lol he acts retarded and on my thread aswell better if u just ignore him, dont give him too much attention or better no attention at all.

                        the realm's delight

                          someone wants to tell me wwhy is this alloewd?


                            turn on rot 240 dps -> activate sb -> ???


                              Lol haffy is less retarded than me so i dont know what ur talking abt.


                                My god Hanter guy still salty.

                                Premium tears of salt, best drink in Europe. Solid 5/7.

                                casual gamer

                                  pudge hits this point where ur whole team will focus him 5v1 for 10 seconds, get him down to half hp maybe, then his team will show up or hell push himself up an cliff and tp out

                                  the HP is actually fucking absurd if you stack armor


                                    Ye rot dps honestly sounds useless, is biggest use is slow. And flesh heap lets u scale better so at lvl 25 picking it is a no brainer.


                                      Well for sure I'd take the str multiplier compared to the rot

                                      Riguma Borusu

                                        the HP is actually fucking absurd if you stack armor

                                        BUT WHY WOULD I STACK ARMOR IF I CAN BUY HEART?
                                        ^3k logic


                                          Doesn't Armor add more EHP if you have higher HP? So stacking HP would be bad because you have low armor which would mean anyone with a Desolator/AC/armor reducing item will just eat your HP away.

                                          Riguma Borusu

                                            ^exactly, but some reason 3k pudge pickers have yet to catch up on that

                                            if you get shiva's and blademail once you have 5k+ hp (feasible almost every game now) you'll be cancerous as fuck because the enemy will deal so much damage to themselves if they try to focus you that it's amazing, or you will live through everything and just fuck people one by one

                                            Optimus Drip

                                              Lifestealer says hi.


                                                it's trash, pointless and doesnt help the hero

                                                casual gamer


                                                  i legit could not kill this pudge at 50 mins onward

                                                  feeds all game, then gets 2000+ bonus hp from passive xd


                                                    I wanna try aghs, octarine pudge with blade mail. 3 second hook cd SeemsGood


                                                      I don't see the point of getting agh on pudge now tho
                                                      It's not like you need to hook a guy twice into your teammates to kill him

                                                      Riguma Borusu

                                                        ^aghs = damage output among other things

                                                        also good luck going high ground against an aghs pudge