General Discussion

General DiscussionMidas on CK

Midas on CK in General Discussion
Cheap Laugh Guy

    Poor Man's Shield - Hand Of Midas - Power Tread
    Echo Sabre - Sange and Yasha
    Bloodthorn - Heart of Tarrasque

    Talent: R-L-L-R

    Drums good but we midas no cheap slot (Maybe sell stout shield for drums if team ganks a lot)

    Armlet sucks, I just feel skipping it

    Manta is final

    CK constantly powerful, roaming around kills GPM, so midas, +30 atk spd is good now, too good

    The only thing you need to worry when picking CK is LC

    Stout Shield
    Iron Branches x2
    Faerie Fire

    Magic Wand
    Hand Of Midas/Drums
    Power Tread
    Armlet/Echo Sabre


    Bloodthorne if you want that beefy out of this plane of existence crit sound effect ughhhh Kreygasm

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      CK still rapes LC lategame
      Midas is only bad on flashfarming heroes anyway, so it should be fine

      Riguma Borusu

        "CK still rapes LC lategame"

        This really depends on who jumps whom first, actually, there's not a single hero in the game who will survive getting jumped by a CK unless there are some save spells around (basically if you have dazzle, oracle or venge, etc). LC can work around this because it's a hero that controls duel conditions, but obviously in a team vs team clash, CK is likely to come on top if the enemy team can't clear his illusions. If they can, it's gg anyway.

        Potato Marshal

          That is the worst CK item build I've ever seen.


            Lol ive rekt legions as ck cuz once u get 2 hearts she cant clear illusions.


              The build is always tread armlet echo heart manta/second heart/ac/skadi and abyssal only against slipperys like weaver.


                Isn't hex better than abyssal on CK?


                  Oh well I thought about it 2 sec is enough to kill slippery targets anyway
                  I just don't like that it gives no stat whatsoever

                  Riguma Borusu

                    abyssal is situationally good on most (melee) carries, it's can even be good on sven, but you don't go into every game thinking "woah I'm gonna need an abyssal here" if your hero already has a hard disable, you buy it if you feel you need more of it

                      Этот комментарий удален модератором

                        How does Armlet suck? It adds a really cool purple effect thing to your illusions, why would that suck?

                        Riguma Borusu

                          @meka: I didn't even read that sacrilege, holy shit

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                            Me too, I stopped reading OP's post at "Sange and Yasha"


                              Abyssal is rlly situational, but now at least the dmg block goes to illusions.


                                Plus ck can pull people close to him so the short range on abyssal isnt a big deal.

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                                Optimus Drip

                                  sange and yasha give ck two blades thou. TWO!


                                    just don't do it and it's fine

                                    Cheap Laugh Guy

                                      The waves of salt is real lamaw But I try to explain a few things

                                      Armlet just wears you out in a long term fight and the extra STR for illusion is already overkill with the damage output.
                                      We haven't even solved mana problem yet. Might as well get that echo sabre. By that, you get be more active while Phantasm CD

                                      SnY just goes good with CK's high ms, chase and run.

                                      AND YASSSS, IT'S FUCKEN TWO BLADES IN WAN, HUDAFAK DAZEN WAN TAT

                                      And too late, I've already done it couple of times.

                                      casual gamer

                                        armlets core sorry fam

                                        midas ck probably sucks hes a snowball hero hes not beating anyone in a passive farm game

                                        CK is scary when he is ahead of the enemy in NW, which is accomplished by pushing and exerting map pressure. midas is contrary to both of those things

                                        Riguma Borusu

                                          you have 4.0k MMR, I clicked your profile and expected it to be half that, according to what I've read you say in this thread so far

                                          your CK build is awful

                                          casual gamer

                                            bloodthorn is way too expensive to be core and the damage amp is super overkill

                                            ur build is awful because

                                            1 ur illusions are squishy as fuck

                                            2 you never hit any noticeable power spike at all

                                            3 i would run down mid if i saw you with a bloodthorn in quickbuy

                                            Riguma Borusu

                                              ^would you get bthorn in the ultra lategame, if you happen to lack damage or just want to consistently kill people during rift+stun?

                                              But we're talking about hour+ long games where money is no longer an issue, you've already eaten your moon shard, have a refresher, a few buybacks, etc (it's ultra rare this is gonna happen, but let's talk theoretically).

                                              casual gamer


                                                casual gamer

                                                  bthorn isnt bad in some situations. that situation is not where your illusions have 1600 hp or less at 30 minutes because you dont know how to use armlet


                                                    Armlet no longer just drains life for ck, that used to be anargument but its completely invalid cuz crit has lifesteal, so u can sustain armlet usage.


                                                      There is only 1 situation for bloodthorn and its late game to counter evasion

                                                      Cheap Laugh Guy

                                                        Yasssssssssssss, I take back what I said. Armlet is good for making your illu beefy. I am sorry if anybody's offended by the statement

                                                        Armlet sucks, I just feel skipping it

                                                        But I still think Midas is 70% item on CK now. He can enter late game.
                                                        Taking Armlet too soon as first core item, I couldn't function too long because lack of mana Would need an Arcane Boots support
                                                        Leveling talent lvl10 +7 INT feels painful Dx aarrgghhh
                                                        Maybe getting Drums instead of Midas gives you a stronger map presence but if not synced and something goes wrong early game CK doesn't have the farm ability to catch up. So I would say Drums/Midas is a little gamble

                                                        SnY really makes you mobile and you can avoid a lot of AoE skills
                                                        I can even chase into range for R.Rift

                                                        And yeah, I'm reviving a dead thread


                                                          I was thinking about midas and how could it be relevant in this meta. Since we have +3 slots - you can switch it (never sell it) and etc. But this item just sucks now. Too many interesting items such as MoM, HotD, drums, Echo Sabre ffs which you can get on fighting heroes.

                                                          The only reason I see you get midas now if you have 4 core heroes and there's just no farm for everyone but you prob gonna lose this game anyway.

                                                          Midas needs a buff; something like stats or be a part of something or else because getting midas for exp is not really worth it.

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                                                            Can someone tell me why sange and yasha is bad

                                                            one syllable anglo-saxon

                                                              just a bad item in general


                                                                CK is literally the only hero in the game you must get armlet on.

                                                                All the other heroes its situational or a core pick up if you are good using armlet but not necessary.

                                                                CK you must get armlet on no matter what. That said, players will often get drums or echo on him first if they aren't leveling up his ulti at level 6.

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                                                                Vem Comigo

                                                                  yasha is good, because it build into manta, sange build into halberd and its pretty situational.

                                                                  and sange&yasha is just a worst skadi.

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                                                                  registered flex offender

                                                                    You can also turn on armlet and leave it in your backpack when six slotted to give illusions the bonuses

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                                                                      casual gamer

                                                                        You can also turn on armlet and leave it in your backpack when six slotted to give illusions the bonuses

                                                                        they fixed this.


                                                                          Lol midas for exp is great this patch with skill trees giving power spikes and some times giving cool down reduction which = more midas gold/exp

                                                                          I am sick of your pignoyness

                                                                            no one cares if someone uses midas on any heroes.

                                                                            Cheap Laugh Guy

                                                                              I care


                                                                                People care
                                                                                Nobody cares about you tho diox

                                                                                Cheap Laugh Guy

                                                                                  xD I'm fine with that

                                                                                  Oh wait, not me xD

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