lol its not a "meta" its called LARGER new map
In other words, the bigger map and the fact that people haven't developed much map instincts yet means that pickoff and farming carries are doing well right now because
1. the map is bigger so teams are spreading out more during certain phases until they get a game sense of where on the map they can be without getting picked off, which makes slark thrive for the first month of this patch
2. people have no real map instinct of where people are gonna go on the map, in the previous map I know where the ganks come from instinctually and have a sense of when hero's are going to come and when they are missing exactly how close to me they will be
with the new map peoples timing instincts of when to gank where to gank and where and when ganks will come from is off there for
caries can farm easier and heroes can be picked off easier for the next month.
I appreciate any slark that lands his pounces, farms like a carry, and tells me where to de-ward.
Oh my fucking god I really hate dota, when someone suicide first blood before creeps spawn just gg I m done, can`t play. Probably going to uninstall this dog game dota3 sorry
^ I understand that feeling and that rage. But u must conquer it. Tell yourself pma like when u were 4k and u will be 6k
I m just done, who wanna play party mmr to feed together? till low prio so I can uninstall
everyone said that about 6.88 slark lol
hes probably just good cause no one knows the map, so they get destroyed by shadow blade slark.
The wonders of science never cease to amaze me. The fact that one tiny sperm and one tiny egg can make such a massive twat is a sight to behold.
Recent games of yours - you losing 3 of your Stark matches out of 4,this tread aren't very convince to me :/
Seem like you have a very bad luck,try harder to not get rage then.
BTW I like ultraman is that pp of your is ultraman?
Can u imagine dogshit caries like my am in last game where I did more than 2x damage as Pudge and 6000+ hp rofl dogshit mmr ez game
in my experience the easiest way to carry the braindead is to win teamfights so that they get ahead and stop crying
slark is noob cancer hero.
life steal and the extra damage sucks please pick nukers and escape, disables for him.
this meta seems pretty awesome. Lots of fighting less farming, gonna attempt to climb to 5-6k on my smurf now cuz of this by playing slark, riki etc
very very good for sure
look at ghost shroud, spell is ridiculous lmao. you buy a mek and mek + Q heals for 570 in an AOE, bottle shrines and arcane boots are all amped + its crazy survivability. where before id have to go ghost many games and transition into EB i can buy some other shit like shiva/dagon/blink/pike/RADIANCE lol
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This patch is like made for slark pickers, its amazing. If I don`t get stuck again somehow in low priority this is my biggest chance ever to get 6k.