General Discussion

General Discussionreliably chain-pulling in 7.00

reliably chain-pulling in 7.00 in General Discussion

    anyone has insight how to effectively chainpull for all the possible lanes? as in the way you pull and when you pull.

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      u can pull each side on :55 2:55, 4:55 etc u can also connect pull


        i know very well how to do single pull, but chain-pulling is harder now than it was in 6.88 because camps are further apart.



            thnks for the stacking map but that's not what im asking. i guess i'll do my best to figure out the way to chain-pull on my own. or spectate some pro dota, might help.


              Dude there wont be any pro matches for awhile I think
              Tbh I don't see any way to chainpull considering the distance between the camps


                i did it once but i think my carry brought an enemy catapult into the area in which i was doing the pull so it could have taken the aggro.


                  fugg just delete stacking from dota thanks.


                    Can you not pull over with the hard camp? They look pretty close on the map.


                      Dunno man you can just see with your eyes and instinct to do pulling. Honestly when i discovered pulling from dota 2 i dont even know the timing i just predicted the creep speed. How i discover pulling and stacking is i want to stack and accidentally pull it to creep. Now i feel like you can see when to pull it when to not


                        Pulling is still a thing but when you can actually do it is more sparingly so tell carry to keep equilibrium