They wanna have more things to balance on since they managed to make 6.8 the most balanced patches so they're confident for more challenges. It's actually a good thing overall, but man is it even noob-friendly with so much mechanics? How many newbies are willing to play this game...
I mean yeah it's still easy to play as a hero, but the learning curve steeps so hard at the point you have to learn the whole thing. They just dug the trenches deeper LMAO
That is good, I am always open for higher skill ceilings
Not to mention more jungle resources which would mean early aggressions and map control would pay off big time, instead of just winning the laning stage
I like it, gives a change to a game that has felt dull. Some of them are op but we will see how it plays out
welcoming slark agha aoe shadow dance lmao every 30 seconds...and also welcoming void's old time walk range again..and support chaos knight casting phantasm to carries like sven or terrorblade..yep i love to see this new patch on oncoming pro tournaments
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Why is the talent system so random
Why not have a standard for all heros, that can vary depending of the hero main atributte. The system would be
*Level 10 : Atributes.
*Level 15 :Hp and Mana Regen or Base Hp and Mana.
*Level 10 : Mechanic specific or Move speed (To take away the need for boots on late game).
*Level 25 : Specific Hero buff, like a lower CD or Bonus to some Skill.
Int Heros
Level 10 +15 int or +6 to all stats.
Level 15 +3HP regen and 5Mana Regen OR 200HP and 300Mana.
Level 20 +15% spell Amplification and 200Mana or 75 Move Speed.
Level 25 2 buffs that are specific to the Hero.
Str Heros
Level 10 +15 str or +6 to all stats.
Level 15 +8HP regen and 3Mana Regen OR 400HP and 200Mana.
Level 20 +5 armor and 200HP or 75 Move Speed.
Level 25 2 buffs that are specific to the Hero.
Agi Heros
Level 10 +15 agi or +6 to all stats.
Level 15 +5HP regen and 3Mana Regen OR 300HP and 200Mana.
Level 20 +50 Attack Speed and 20%Evasion or 75 Move Speed.
Level 25 2 buffs that are specific to the Hero.