General Discussion

General Discussion7.00 Toughts

7.00 Toughts in General Discussion

    What do u thing about the backpacks ?
    Talents seem kinda gay but will bring some new and maybe gamechanging results i guess
    Is jungle dead this patch?
    Supps would benefit from talents ?
    any other things u like / dislike
    Also Loading screen pregame screen seems Like A Tekken battle screen but i like it


    i love the new map seems like a climbing stairs simulator and new ward spots and stuff i like the rosh spot even if its close to lego of legions one
    should we be able to increase the UI size? map seems too small for me..
    also rip for the Monkey King spam

    Эта тема была изменена

      Sad about almost no buffs for Shadow Fiend, only make the nuker build with OC and maybe Veil more a thing.

      Haven't actually tried it out but it seems really interesting and the game should feel more dynamic now.

      Amazing thing about talents is that it gives you incentive to level to 25, not just go for 16 and then stop giving a shit.

      Этот комментарий был изменён

        Surprisingly, I love all the changes.

        After Effects animations are quite good
        Pregame screen is actually a versus screen from fighting games
        Talents are like skill tree from MMORPG

        Overall, it's matter of getting used to it.

        Or wait for a hotfix patch.

        >tfw no gamer girl peeing gf

          Sounds good actually. So many times I have a recipe sitting in crow taking a slot and now I can have it handy in backpack. I am going to be doing some unranked for a few days.


            I like all the change aswell but with the ingame interface and shit it looks like League Of Legends 2.0.


              Backpack is OP

              Naga's with bkbs, AM switching between abyssal and skadi, meepo with guardian greaves, 18-slotted lone druids.

              keep a heart in the back pocket for when you are dying. quick transplant and good to go. like a rich man's (one off) armlet toggle. no more axe dropping tranquils in the jungle.

              will carries be getting more of the cheaper utility items and switching them out after using their active?

              casual moonshard switched in every night time.

              as an aside can you write scripts to assign hotkeys for switching?


                I am extremely disappointed with the new UI

                Potato Marshal

                  So how does rapier interact with backpack?


                    Rapier doesnt work in the backpack i think it is still droplable.


                      3 extra slots arent put in stats ? items are just there so u can change them?
                      if i put 3 shards in those 3 slots will it be 360 !)atack speed?

                      Этот комментарий был изменён

                        items in the 3 extra slots dont give any bonuses and you cant use them

                        the ui is brokeback, wish it was more customizable
                        everything is too small


                          elder titan is unplayable as a support now gg




                              the backpack is like always having a 3 item stash instead of needing to be at base or have a courier follow you late game.

                              useful when you're past being 6 slotted e.g. refresher in stash / courier, dropping boots for aegis, et cetera.

                              and you can't put aegis, rapier, gem or bloodstone in backpack.


                                @arin you can resize a lot of stuff in the options


                                  The only thing for now I don't like is the map change, but then again, adapting to it won't take much time
                                  This patch is gonna be good


                                    AM skadi holy fuck


                                      Am build for split push they will kill him never lul.

                                      Travel,Bf,manta,linken,aghanim,butterfly and lvl 25 + 25 agility GG wp


                                        Necrophos will need bloodstone now. Radiance on mk for farming jungle in trees Kappa.


                                          Ck support now with aghanim, ez game. Make 3-4 anti mages

                                          Этот комментарий был изменён

                                            This patch seems like it is kind of going to be not a lot of fun - either that or there are going to be a lot of hot fixes coming out in short succession.

                                            Everyone can remember how the game changed massively with the comeback gold change in 6.82 (particularly the first week where the gold amount was insane - I got something like 3000 gold in one enemy team wipe).

                                            This patch seems like it will make comebacks impossible or close to impossible.

                                            The jungle only respawns every two minutes instead of one, so if you get screwed in your lanes you can't just retreat back to the jungle and try to farm your way back into the game.

                                            On top of that the talents will give a massive benefit to an enemy hero - particularly snowballing carries - things like PA, slark, ursa, Invoker, huskar, LC etc, basically carry heroes who are insanely strong early game as well as late game and excel at getting pick offs. Of course since you won't be able to farm the jungle people will be forced into the lanes much more which will mean that they are more susceptible to pick offs. When they get the extra talent it then allows them and their team to press their lead much more - either the enemy team are too scared to show their face and rely on the 2 minute respawning jungle, or show their face and get ganked and killed, meanwhile the team that is ahead can easily farm the lanes and their jungle and they are the ones getting all the pick offs. Or the team that is ahead can just group up to push a tower and then if the weaker team tries to defend they lose because the enemy team have such a bigger advantage from the talents - and if they try to split push then they just get picked off again by an enemy ganker who tps to the lane that is being pushed and ganks them.

                                            Then you also have the new healing shrines etc which gives a team who is ahead an even bigger advantage because they will have access to their shrines while the team which is behind will have had theirs destroyed.

                                            Basically the whole thing is designed around whoever has the strongest early game and can establish an early game lead is almost guaranteed to win. Which makes heroes like AM, TB, Medusa, Naga ie weak early game hard ricing carries who rely massively on farming the jungle and split pushing while they get 6 slotted absolutely terrible. Meanwhile snowballing carries like the above and other early game pressure heroes like axe, undying, pudge etc become impossible to stop.

                                            The respawn timer also fucks a heap of heroes. Putting aside the greedy junglers like LC and Bloodseeker even heroes who are actually designed to jungle from level 1 and be useful get massively nerfed. Enigma, Chen, Enchantress if you choose to jungle her - all massively nerfed. Even clinkz actually got super nerfed with this. It's hilarious because Icefrog gave him one of his typical "buffs" ie reducing the cooldown of death pact at level 18 to 15 seconds. Good luck using death pact every 15 seconds when the jungle creeps only respawn every 2 minutes!

                                            On the talents a lot of them are terribly unbalanced. Some heroes are pretty much only getting minor stat bonus while others get game changing cooldown reductions. Eg Enigma gets either an additional 8 eidolons (at a point in time when cleaving heroes clear those out in a single hit) or...12 extra armour vs Faceless Voids +600 timewalk range or an inbuilt 20% evasion.

                                            Some heroes have choices which are so one sided you would never want to pick the other - eg Batrider can either get an extra 8 seconds on his firefly...or an extra 200 knockback range on his non-tp cancelling flamebreak. I mean if adding cancelling channelling was added back in as the extra choice for that instead of a useless tiny amount more of knockback range you might pick it but otherwise you will go with extra firefly duration every time.

                                            Or you have broodmother chosing between +8 webs or 200 extra health on the spiderlings. I mean that's like a asking if someone wants a free million dollars of a free glass of water. Or what about Disruptor - 30% extra magic resistance at a point in time when the hero can be 2 shot by any carry or 4 extra thunder strikes. Hmm. Lycan having 2 more wolves dying in 2 hits and feeding gold, or a near doubling of the duration of the form which gives him and all his summons 650 movespeed and a 1.8x crit. Does phoenix want an extra 12 strength so he can totally like stand and manfight an enemy hero or is 90 extra passive gold per second more useful so he can get shiva's, radiance, refresher, octarine, aghs to improve the effectiveness of his ultimate.

                                            Some are just counter intuitive like Lina getting extra attack range - if you choose that it's useless because she will outrange her own ability to cast Euls on a target. Same with Razor, you cast static link on a target from 150 extra range away and bam the hero has to move a shorter distance away to break the leash (cast range is normally 600 and break distance 800, now it would be 750 cast range, broken at 800 - ie less than the hitbox of a creep). Centaur is a hero who wants to be right clicked so that he applies return damage - so let's give him 10% evasion. Zeus with 200 range talent and 220 range aether lens actually casts his arc lightning from outside the range of his static field.

                                            Overall I think patch 7.00 is either going to be a clusterfuck of unbalancedness or a rapid amount of sub patches will be released in a short amount of time.

                                            Этот комментарий был изменён

                                              Lol some of ur arguments abt the tree rnt that straightforward to me, but ok.


                                                Talent tree

                                                Potato Marshal

                                                  SAND KING AND UNDERLORD GETS +50HP REGEN AS ONE OF THEIR TALENTS, WTF IS THIS?

                                                  Этот комментарий был изменён

                                                    This is bullshit


                                                      that 2 minute jungle respawn is so stupid


                                                        Calm. Tf. Down. It will obviously need balancing, but these specifics can be changed.


                                                          What the fuck am i going to do with all my hud skins?
                                                          also you can apparently resize the map however you want


                                                            I actually think roaming junglers will be huge. More jungle camps total, garunteed bounty runes, and the Iron Talon. The camps don't respawn as often, but that just means that the junglers will clear the camps they can do easily and will then go ganking.

                                                            The heros I would say to look out for in this style are bloodseeker, enchantress, and chaos night.

                                                            Bloodseeker is a really fast jungler, who isn't hurt much by the lack of stacking opportunities. And he can gank really well at level 6.

                                                            Enchantress always excelled as the ganking jungler. She should be able to enchant ancients now (haven't tested, but they aren't spell immune) and has more camps to choose from each spawn (she can't keep creeps forever like Chen).

                                                            And reworked chaos Knight now has life steal to slowly jungle. Can use the bounty runes. And is even better at ganking early then ever before. Finally, he doesn't have to be the hard carry with his aghs upgrade. He'll just use his ult on that Luna that's still cancer.

                                                            Also thinking of roaming jungle alch. First level in greed. Max others first. Is guaranteed 2 runes each minute and could try and shoot for a third/forth each gank.


                                                              I love playing Heroes of the Ancients 3


                                                                well i guess we have to wait till tmrw so we actually step into this " new game" and decide whats good or not...
                                                                im guessing a lot of hotfix patches and talent changes are gonna come soon after the actual release

                                                                1-IceTea 🌟

                                                                  Dota is never been so IMBA before since I started playing it let it end please

                                                                  Potato Marshal

                                                                    One thing I haven't seen anybody mention yet is the complete remake of hotd. Heroes like Sven and Luna can't really afford to waste a slot just to stack ancients and now it's really more of a support/offlane item, the aura is incredibly strong for its price.


                                                                      MoM should be back by the way


                                                                        Any person you would have built hotd on. Probably build MoM instead. The position 4 builds hotd now. The aura makes it like how drums are now.

                                                                        Also farming stacked ancients is nerfed in general now. You can't stack them as often. It's also easier for more heroes to clear all the camps before the next respawn, which makes stacking useless.

                                                                        Kermit's dark side

                                                                          I think I will
                                                                          Love this patch, some of the talents are extremely broken though, like EXTREMELY broken, but we will see. Techies will be everywhere, omni is more cancorous, and visage will be good now so there are goods and bad.


                                                                            Ye MoM sven is back. Just go MoM armlet bkb blink ez. Especially with stacking nerf i see him as a more early game hero where he just out manfights the shit outta some heroes. Not sure if u wud fit echo into this build.


                                                                              Guys can u keep tp scroll in backpack?


                                                                                Nvm u can but the cd is shit
                                                                                Tinker backpack seems fun


                                                                                  incoming drow+ck strat


                                                                                    Yes. But remember. Their CD will go down half as fast while in the backpack, and there is a 6 sec period after moving the item back where you still can't use it. So no hasty escapes.


                                                                                      Incoming am + ck strat.
                                                                                      Incoming riki + puck strat
                                                                                      Incoming morph + ck strat
                                                                                      Incoming necrophos + oracle strat
                                                                                      Incoming rapier rush sniper strat
                                                                                      Incoming cm aghs + slark aghs strat


                                                                                        CK + CK strat


                                                                                          Time is coming! :D

                                                                                          Johnny Rico

                                                                                            talents are broken
                                                                                            gold per minute is just the base example
                                                                                            somewhat balanced gpm gain, because of position of these heroes, but many can eb played as carry.
                                                                                            jakiro, wyvern, visage, und, tusk, treant, techies, sky, sand king, pudge, phoenix, ogre, oracle, omni, rubick, lion ,lich, earth spirit, , disruptor, cm, chen, Ancient Aparation,

                                                                                            Plain retarded, why give more gold gain to carrys, or people that rely on killing the enemy.
                                                                                            spirit breaker??????,
                                                                                            silencer ????,
                                                                                            kunkka ????,
                                                                                            dragon knight????.

                                                                                            doc joferlyn simp

                                                                                              Everyone gonna buy a fucking Midas, mark my goddamn words.


                                                                                                i cant wait to test this new ligion of legends patch


                                                                                                  Fuck my support life, jungle respawn once for 2 minutes? What the fuck .-.