General Discussion

General DiscussionWhat I learned after 100 Invoker Games.

What I learned after 100 Invoker Games. in General Discussion


    Ok, not entirely true.

    1. Invoker relies on farm and XP. Alot of that XP will come from early game kills (mostly Sun Strikes). If you can't hit sun strikes and don't have the map awareness to do it, don't play the hero.

    2. Invoker relies on another hero to set him up. If you don't have a great initiating hero (mid game), you will more than likely lose.

    3. If you don't have piano hands you will not be able to carry 1v5 (which is really what I had to do in 90% of those 100 invoker games).

    4. Farm as much as you can. I get complacent at 20 minutes when I have 150 cs (average), and begin just roaming around looking for kills and plays. If you just keep grinding the CS, and join your team when you actually make plans to fight, you will do alot better.

    5. Don't build Eul's unless other team refused to get a carry that is relevant in this entire game. (though I often build it to dispell silences).

    In all honesty, with my average stats (last 3-6 months), can you guys really say that I just suck with Invoker? I have pretty decent stats all around, great average timings on items, usually a great KDA. It is frustrating playing such a fun hero and losing alot more often than winning.


      1. yes
      2. no
      3. no
      4. yes
      5. maybe

      Cheap Laugh Guy

        Just curious...
        You smurfing?


          U lose cuz u take all farm


            Checked profile > Normal skill > Close window


              why your invoker winrate is 44%? we have the same matches of invoker anyway just my smurf too

                Этот комментарий удален модератором


                  This happens in normal skill. This account of mine has similar invoker win rate to yours. I noticed I always own as invoker in this account but that doesn't necessarily translate to wins, due to both lackluster team-play and team-mates, as well as sometimes my own feeding kill spree gold to enemy carries later on in the game. Also, I'm not a very good BKB-user, (I prefer defensive items such as linkens and hurricane pike instead) and invoker at normal skill needs BKB at most times. Regarding sun strikes and combos, however, I'm pretty much confident with those things.

                  Mary Poppins

                    @Tucker the difference between you and him is closer than the difference between you and a good player. Your comment make no sense mister VHS


                      @straigh you'll have to get used to it. most of the VHS people here would never give us normies the time of day, and the others are memers lul, which I like.


                        git gud


                          What i learb from miracle- invo games and bot match. You need to farm fast and split push. Your problem is very slow farm. Or rather after you got your "10min" midas you farm really slow and after 20min i imagine you keep going through lanes searching for kills. Thats you problem with 44%winrate