General Discussion

General Discussionmember the forum improvements you've promised

member the forum improvements you've promised in General Discussion

    mods you 'member?

    < blank >

        Этот комментарий удален модератором

          Improvements in 2016 LUL


            do mods even at least visit the forums?


              yeah as an improvement, we're getting banned for minor things and ayy lmao is moderated

              Kermit's dark side

                I've only seen one mod comment in these forums


                  Mods just ban ppl and delete stuff they have no power to effect change. But I can if u vote me for dotabuff president.


                    You made this thread 2 months ago, I'll just quote the reply you got back then

                    It's not easy to release updates or make improvements. While we wish we could dedicate the necessary manhours to all the features/things we wish to improve on, there sometimes are problems that we need to address first, so that things don't fall apart. Take the big API outage prior to TI for example: Some of us worked around the clock to mitigate the damage it caused - every time issues like that come up, it takes away from the time we'd love to dedicate to other things, such as the forum.
                    also, Jason didn't really specify which TI, did he.... ;D jk, of course the Forum is something on our radar still, but making sure everything works (hey, lately we had to deal with lack of replays) to the best of our abilities has priority


                      they dont give nearly as many fucks about forums as about other stuff that dotabuff provides


                        2017, new year new me


                          the only thing mods know how to do is ban people


                            Inb4 banned cookies this forum


                              WE WANT IMPROVEMENTS!

                              Hi Lawlie ;p


                                Hi Jason :o!

                                We want improvements but rly, don't fuck shit up pls