1. arcane > travel
2. dagger
3. veil / force / aether lens
4. agha
5. shivas / radiance
6. octarine / dagon 5 > rapier <3
slot 5 and 6 actually it's for situational items depends on enemies, like hex if you encounter timber / strom, or halberd like left clicking hero, or other items
blink dagger the only staple for the hero, everything else is situational, a good sk can be useful late game with just a blink and wards tbh
Never heart. Ever. Unless megas actually. I think force, aghs, blink, boots, hex, Shivas. Hex and Shivas are rarely bad, obviously there r better and worse games for them but usually they're OK. Otherwise hit up euls, lotus orb, even octarine, linkens, ghost scepter into eblade against ur ursas and pa's, a gem.
Don't radiance plox. Just don't, unless maybe a troll push strat with SD. But still. Last 2 items r highly situational.
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^Any suggestions? I know all items are situational, but are there a few items that should be a staple? Or is it simply going to depend on the match you are playing?
6 Slotted Sand King (Core):
1. Boots of Travel
2. Blink (?)
3. Aghs
4. ?
5. ?
6. ?