General Discussion

General DiscussionWHAT WENT WRONG??

WHAT WENT WRONG?? in General Discussion

    I played this void game and we lost it. since it was single draft I first understand it is the draft we had that was going to make us lose but what could we have done In order to play this game better and win. I went safe lane void along with a disruptor in lane. What mistakes did I make ?? Criticize :D, it would help one become better player :D


      I say this so many times in my games to everyone.
      Destroy towers! Play objective.
      You team do more kills and damage? And?
      Did you hit towers after kill them?? Or you go to jungle and keep farming?

      I think the second.

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        we were losing teamfights so were not getting sufficient advantage, I tried to split push but since our vision was restricted (you know why) we were not able to push safely. also the line up was pretty weak as one proper axe bezerkers call can wreck us if disruptor is not there


          1.Your troll sucked means insta 4v5
          2. they were alot stronger
          3.Pa late items
          4. the fuck u talk about they were better


            Why tf wud u lane void safe over troll? U shud have had solo off void, pa mid, disruptor, lich, troll safe. U cud also easily lane lich with u offlane as well. Of course troll sucked he was running around with no farm.


              Also ushud never be afraid of a gank, ur void and ur way too hard to kill. Once u got manta the only thing that may kill u is call into Ursa, but even then u cud send manta illusions down lane.


                troll didn't agree and making these kind of people understand is difficult too


                  P.T.F.O play the fucking objective

                  4pos pudge/grim only

                    are no one gonna talk about desolator and skadi build on BH? i find it weird because if he want to be tankier, butterfly is somewhat better against those clickers.

                    casual gamer

                      bfly is only reallu effective after an hp item unless ur medusa

                      wood enjoyer

                        1. Void carry is never good. Troll should have went easy lane.
                        2. I don't really like your item build. Late diffusal blade, useless bkb imo, as you only need manta to purge of dp's silence. Also blink dagger is only good on offlane void, as he needs initiation, while you need damage. You basically threw 2250 gold away.
                        3. Troll first item daedalus wtf
                        4. Though you had 2 supports, there was only one ward was purchased by you. Good vision can help you set up good chrono's + you can control ursa from getting rosh.

                        This are the main reasons you lost that game. Please don't play void carry, as he is a much better offlaner instead.

                        And btw, you lost to a bounty hunter, who went desolator and eye of skadi Kek

                        Dire Wolf

                          cus ur PA and troll sucked dick and had under 2 cs a min? bkb wasn't that needed this game cus they only have ursa shock and slark lesh as disables, most of their dmg is physical, so I won't flame them for not getting bkb, but their items do suck. And 74 cs 40 mins on a battlefury pa is the worst thing I've ever seen.


                            Dafuq is this 3k shit SinceYouBeenGone guy about? Void carry is not bad by any means. Usually offlane Void is better, but not always.


                              No silver edge or mkb on slark. How on earth did u lose. Axe must've been really fuxking yall up?


                                Void carry isn't that bad, its just bad when u force a troll to offlane.


                                  Offlane troll imo is viable if u get aura stuff like drums vlads necro 3 AC.


                                    Tbh that game shud have been urs as void u cud have solo carried that game. Just Vlad's into diffusal manta ac bloodthorn. Bkb and blink not needed, all u is wait for axe initiation, then chrono into lich ulti, u win every fight. Slark gets destroyed by void, Ursa can't kill void cuz of time walk, then u bash the shit out of him. Whenever he roars for attack speed diffusal it off him. Dp was trouble, but if u chrono fast enough before ulti or siphon she is really squishy. The BH was braindead. This game was very easily urs.


                                      Offlane troll is shit, cuz he squishy, needs farm to be effective, and has no way of securing it in the offlane.


                                        That's why u don't get standard crap and be ineffective al game. He also can jungle alright so he is viable as a offlane.


                                          Offlane troll viable...

                                          Guys, am I sleeping already or what the fuck is going on in here


                                            ^kek. Try it bru trust me

                                            Potato Marshal

                                              What the hell is an offlane troll going to do when he gets ganked or if a support just simply wraps around from behind? Throw a 75 damage whirling axe for 30% slow?


                                                If u go items like Vlad's and drums, ur just a walking aura carrier who dies easily. Any competent team can just repeatedly kill an offlane troll or zone him hard enough that he is lvl 1 at min 4. U won't be able to go the regular build cuz ur too poor to afford anything.


                                                  Even with these mostly trash troll items he is still completely ineffective. I mean he is ineffective even when given safelane farm u think he can survive the offlane.


                                                    He can survive the offlane easy bru. Just get a partner at the start and go jungle later on. Who solo offlanes nowadays anywY


                                                      Any hero who wanna get fast 6, like tide, void, clock. Troll + 1 = 1 BTW if ur gonna send a support with him he will still suffer, especially when they ask another support to come over to shut down the troll 3v2. He isn't even a great aggro tri hero. U want a ck, pa, slardar, Sven, Ursa, etc. Troll is just too weak rn anyway. Wtf will he do, trade hits with 40 or so base DMG. He only has high armor in melee form. Hit em with some whirling axes which he doesn't have enough mana to spam.


                                                        Troll doesn't even jungle faster than a lot of popular carries like Luna and Sven and slark. Plus he isn't even useful to the team so they're fighting 4v5. He is easy to gank, as Luna can eclipse to fight or run with her huge move speed, Sven can armor and stun to run away or fight as he is tanky, and slark is a slippery bastard. Troll just gets stunned once then bursted so easily.


                                                          What games have u played where it's a 3v2? We are talking about Normal skill games here 😂


                                                            Even in ns, a troll 2v2 always loses. He is too easily kited and so fucking squishy.


                                                              I think even our draft was bad. yea my mistakes. I would improve it next time :D


                                                                1 troll disrup safe
                                                                2 pa lich mid
                                                                3 void solo

                                                                could help a lot