General Discussion

General DiscussionJuggernaut match

Juggernaut match in General Discussion

    Hi guys,
    Here's that Juggernaut match I played yesterday. Sorry it took so long, was pretty busy around that time.
    Ok, so I know I played like crap, even for a pretty new player. What could I have done to improve my playstyle in that match. Any form of help would be appreciated.


      I like your casual ring of health. Pick a better hero for your team next time

      4pos pudge/grim only

        ember and jugger in the same lane never been a good idea. if all of the teammate pick carry and u also want pick another carry, go jungle instead of competing for last hit in lane. and u should consider saving that first skill point rather than insta skill blade dance. maybe crit level one is better (just maybe).

        doc joferlyn simp

          1) dont brainlessly right click creeps

          2) you werent facing much harass (shadow shaman went bot). qblade better first item rather than pms. take pms later but qblade best
          item for farming early game

          3) last hitting needs a lot of work. you can gain this with practice

          4) i like your pma, keep it up

          5) if you try to stack, run all the way. otherwise creeps may go back to camp

          6) midfight use your tangoes since they wont be cancelled by attacks, time efficient and may be life saving

          7) while passively farming, dont just stand there and right click the creep you are attacking. instead, make it a habit to check on the other players' prgress (both enemy and ally). suit your build in that regard

          8) you farming that easy camp at level 2 was pure idiocy. if you find yourself constantly pushing the lane with your partner then learn how to pull-stack with the hard camp

          9) i prefer to use my camera to include my enemy, or at least i pan my camera such that my hero is at the place where i am sure where enemies will not appear, so that i can see more of my surroundings if enemies are coming. position yourself accordingly

          10) when you pull hard camp dont go into the path near the enemy's side of the lane. they will instantly know what you are up to and you would be giving them free xp + you have to tank enemy creeps. cut trees with qblade to pull easier

          11) dont try and be lenient when it comes to farm as a juggernaut. you need your farm or else you will fall of fast, once people get more armor + get tankier. farm as much as you can. your phys dmg output scaling should be faster than their tankiness scaling

          12) be careful when trying to stack ranged creeps. keep in mind they will still try to attack you so you must pull them at least a second earlier

          13) why the fuck are you jungling vs a solo lane pudge. this should be a freefarm lane considering your lane partner is an ember spirit

          14) if forced to jungle bcs of a hardlane, get an iron talon asap

          15) dont stand in 1 place for 30 secs bcs you cant make up your mind about which item to buy. while you are farming also think of how you should itemize after you checked the enemies' builds

          16) why the fuck are you jungling for 15 mins omg

          17) use ward if low hp, you arent going to use your mana anyways. if you stack at least once you get a level 3/4 bladefury try to kill that camp with spin

          18) aquila is a great item on juggernaut so that you wont be bothered that much by your mana. get it first over phase, but get brown boots first

          19) even if you sacrifice your farm in favor of your teammates, this case it was a bad choice. ember got all the farm, got a 9 min bots. but i bet he will feed that all to lc later. shouldve taken the farm since you are a stronger carry

          20) why are you acting like a support

          21) as always, be aware of the enemies' capabilites. be wary of hook since shadow shaman has super long disables. long enough for you to not get spells in time and die

          only watched till the 15th minute, i dont have that much time right now