General Discussion

General Discussion4k-4 5k toxicity, when does it stop?

4k-4 5k toxicity, when does it stop? in General Discussion

    I've read a lot about he 4-4.5k bracket being toxic and all. Can't say I don't experience that, soooo when will people start to not flame, tilt, and full-throttle feed anymore?

    casual gamer

      sometimes i get nice games and sometimes i dont. i eliminate the toxicity by muting people very quickly, just because it improves my performance


        When u make a thread


          I mute them as well. It makes the game more enjoyable for sure. How's the 4.5+ bracket when it comes to toxicity? I know toxicity never ends, but I hope it gets better


            it decreases, less flame and blame. A lot more competitive though, since were all chasing that 5k


              ^ I am not at 4.5k but I have friends who say that there are still newly calibraetd accounts of people who are so full of themselves and throw the game easily.

              Since I reached 4k I had three to five matches where people throwed and sold their items. All of them were level 22 or 23.
              One guy even raged and sold his items because we lost a fight when sieging their T3 in minute 15?!!?!?! It lost us the game


                4500 to 4900 is probably worst its road to 5 k and every guy thinks he deserves 7k :)


                  That gives me the motivation required to get out of this bracket by spamming omni and dazzle. Ty ^_^

                  casual gamer

                    most people wait to flame until there is 0 chance of winning because they are so terrified of losing precious mmr points


                      i see omni rankeds nice boost rofl


                        You will see only omni and dazzle solo+duo queue, and the occasional axe that I've spammed once a while since I calibrated at 2.5k


                          It doesnt stop

                          Potato Marshal

                            You either quit the game or drop to sub-500 mmr where people try to lose on purpose for shits and giggles.


                              THEIR ALL ACCOUNT BUYERS.


                                everyone becomes so good they notice a lot of others mistakes. and they become so absorbed in their own way of playing dota. sounds really bad dota tbh. let's just all stay young and 1k forever


                                  i found most of muted players more retarded than trashtalk players


                                    but its opposite when im on 2-3k


                                      The flaming won't stop till we all die u just gotta knoe ur way around it not justuting thr guy also convincing ur other m8s to play their best despite the one fa99ot


                                        never lul


                                          PRO  TIP: MUTE ALL CHAT!! ENJOY! but for feeders and game ruiners, it never ends, idk same shit in 3k, 4k, 5k, 6k, ..., but it happens less in higher mmr games from my expierence, 4k is the most toxic shit for sure.


                                            Fuck em all to death
                                            -giant douche 2k16


                                              never trust a pub player even a ranked player check their profile first or get a friend to play with you.


                                                Toxicity is higher up here, would not recommend.


                                                  Just mute them..


                                                    most people wait to flame until there is 0 chance of winning because they are so terrified of losing precious mmr points



                                                      "Up here" -salza
                                                      ex dee @ywn needed


                                                        Mute them or join them.


                                                          i thought it was over at 4.7ish but thats wrong.


                                                            > game is hard