General Discussion

General DiscussionHave you ever won such a tilted game?

Have you ever won such a tilted game? in General Discussion

    Woah shit.... That was a lot if fighting.. But not enough kills... For a nearly 3 hour game 61 99 is not exactly a fighting game


      for one hour we just afk farmed for divines just for luls
      plus need to save dem buybacks


        In our game.. We had fights going on constantly... Bounty fed... Slark fed.. N somehow I managed to get the towers.. The me gas basically won us the game..


          Invoker vs tinker 1 vs 1 with 8 players disconnected. me i won as tinker injoker has bkb i have sheep stick and farmed very well.

          LISAN AL GAIB

            holy fuck that warden dmg lol xD

            Potato Marshal


              Remember an old game with the biggest asshole Puck ever. He got mad because someone on our team picked AM, so throughout the whole game he kept feeding himself, buying couriers and feeding couriers non-stop (I think this was before they added the courier cooldown), buying all the wards and putting them in base, stealing courier with our items and feeding them too. He kept doing this for the whole match yet somehow we still won.