General Discussion

General DiscussionYou are invoker

You are invoker in General Discussion

    Your team has been carrying you the whole game. You Afk farmed the whole game because invoker needs levels. You finally got your aghs and octarine and Join the fight

    What spells do you invoke first?


      This is a dumb question. Forge spirits if ur pushing, ice wall if ur kiting, tornado for wombo comboing, emp for mana buring, alacrity for hitting, ghost walk for initiating or escaping, chaos meteor for damaging, defeaning blast for pushing, sun strike for sniping.


        all of them


          I mean like before shit breaks out u have 2 spells at the ready. Ok n mayb they have something like void defending hg


            It depends on what ur helping ur team do. What ur team lacks. Usually ur the big boy teamfighter, so i start with tornado and emp, but its so fucking situational that i dont know. With aghs u can have almost any spell invoked cuz u can invoke new ones so fast. Nothing is standard

            casual gamer

              spirit out + tornado meatball or tornado EMP


                The problem is i dont play invoker so i cant answer feelsarinman :gun:

                casual gamer

                  or tornado sunstrike is good idk im not a invoker player


                    Tornado and meteor or the 2 spells with invoke ready for defending blast.


                      Tornado emp meatball it is boys


                        But like every game tho? Any game u would go some other weird spells first like sonic boom or icewall or sunstroke coldsnap

                        The Medic Guy

                          normal injoker combo is

                          tornado > emp > meteor > deafblast > sunstrike

                          The Medic Guy

                            coldsnap+sunstrike is early combo when you try to kill in 1v1 middle lane with forge spirit

                            and yeah, some injoker use tornado > icewall > coldsnap combo


                              the only way to play invoker by THE BEST player this world has ever focken seen


                                My god is this regarding yesterdays match kek


                                  ^rofl yes.


                                    If it wasnt for me being a trihard catching that omni first and fucking him up you'd have to deal with a repelled pa the entire game, also kek winning against pa/omni feelsgoodman destroying disgusting shits


                                      My proudest play as invoker was sunstriking a duel victim, then breaking bara charge with cold snap and killing him lol FeelsBadMan


                                        lol. And we had those exact same heroes one game before that. Feels hypocritical :x

                                        Этот комментарий был изменён

                                          I just wanna know what spells to prioritize at the start when nothin happens yet, and u have a million choices. So usually I have tornado emp at the go for aoe. And before that get forge and alacrity out. But if things don't go according to plan, do u cast the tornado emp, kinda "waste" it cuz u already have them invoked, or do u invoke something else that u really need like disarm. Just wondering how good invoker players play

                                          Этот комментарий был изменён

                                            Why wud u waste tornado when in ur scenario u have aghs octarine? U shud invoke any spell u need, and since invoke cooldown almost doesnt exist, u can invoke tornado again if needed.


                                              Dont be the douche invoker who only casts alacrity on self, cast it on ur hc too ye


                                                When u only have like 5 seconds to cast spells effectively I kinda wanna spam it all out yknow. Yea. Maybe wasting it is not good. Or save it but never get to use it cuz the fights over?


                                                  Invoker has a lot of spells but most r high cd. U gotta know when to use which spell, personally the hardest part of invoker, otherwise its gone for like 25-30 seconds.


                                                    Well i wasnt the one who picked omni or pa so yea kek


                                                      I wanted to go deso mjol until everyone started try Harding kek

                                                      死の恐怖 Haseo

                                                        Always have forge . I like to start war with tornado icewall . After that depend on the situation