General Discussion


IS TRESDIN EVEN BALANCED? in General Discussion

    I mean, among cores in this meta, legion sure sounds useless compared to morphling and magina, yet the balling potential is just insanely strong in pubs. I recently got to 3k from 1.8k (oscilating on 3.1 - 2.9 atm) and a well-jungled legion is basically unstoppable. even with blade mails, dazzle, the only way i've ever been slightly blocked was against bane, that only made my duel useless since i was obligated to duel him.
    Yet, picking lc core jungle is basically stamping a "flame me!" sign on your nickname. Is it just because most players can't jungle properly or can a jungling hero that comes out after 7 minutes really ruin a lineup/match?

    I am 322 ! I am NOT DDZ !

      balanced but defnitely one of the top few 1v5 heroes in dota


        very manly hero

        Hatsune Miku

          wait till they pick oracle and wyvern for u


            Have u ever played legion against both wyvern and od. U cant even duel one cuz the other will save them. Jungle legion has a bad rep because a lot of people just stay in there for 20 minutes and go midas, but dont help like going naked dagger with smoke to gank mid.

            Dire Wolf

              Legion is like slark, if you allow her pickoffs you will lose. If she doesn't snowball she sucks. It's really up to supports to not go way out of position and ward correctly so no one is surprised. Carries have to make sure to rotate when she dives or jumps on someone.


                Supporting against a slark is the worst experience if u lose, and the most satisfying if u win.

                LISAN AL GAIB

                  Slark players voted for Trump, nuff said...


                    She's good if she's ahead but she definitely doesn't do much late game--even with hundreds of duel damage. She becomes very weak as you can simply disable her and focus her way too easily. If LC's line up doesn't have any other strong carry eventually the LC does nothing at all since she gets outcarried so hard by real carries even if LC has insane amounts of duel damage. Not an OP hero at all imo, she's awful vs 5 man


                      that feeling when lc duels slark and loses coz essence shift


                        Lc is super trash hero that only works in low mmr as a jungler because people cant hit a single lasthit in lane nor they know how to pressure stupidity


                          Lc is only picked up in actual skill games for duel disable against someone like am.

                          Dire Wolf

                            Well duh look at our team picks guy last picks a silencer vs a slark and lc. I mean what in the holy fuck? Tide, lion, venge, any disabler would've been better. Oh and offlane spec great call too. And then when I was literally getting ganked on top of our t2 they still didn't ward our jungle even though lc and slark were farming it.


                            Dire Wolf

                              That's why people think they are op cus they make dumbass picks and don't ward properly and then say gg Slarks so op

                              rice cake

                                Why would you jungle as lc?

                                Vem Comigo

                                  people complain that you need to spend 6 minutes on jungle, and your solo offlaner dies, because 90% of -5k offlaners are terrible, they dont do anithing.

                                  Этот комментарий был изменён

                                    a well-jungled legion is basically unstoppable... ok


                                      Lc is trash, never jungle lc. There is a reason the heroes winrate is shit


                                        I play offlane, and i usually take legion there, if their safe is weak. Ive 1v2 a lifestealer and his support, she is hard to zone if ur melee, and she is hard to trade hits with. If shit gets real bad, then u can just jungle the large camp while the lane is too close to their tower, then go back in lane when they inevitably push it back to ur tower. As for offlaner being trash, id argue everyone is trash and often times it takes no skill to offlane cuz the safelane just keeps pushing the lane and u get ez xp and lh.


                                          I think i shud have skilled pta instead of moc lvl 9,10 but otherwise u can rock pubs.


                                            Try fight ursa in a early game push. 20 ping sd, ww, oracle, dazzle

                                            >tfw no gamer girl peeing gf

                                              Are you kidding? LC is way better than gAy-M.