General Discussion

General Discussionhow to git gud at faceless void offlane?

how to git gud at faceless void offlane? in General Discussion

    looking for advice regarding some things such as:
    when to go iron talon jungle and when to stay in lane and get xp?
    is it ok to go back to base when you're low hp?
    how to get kill on support who's trying to zone you?

    other tips welcome

    casual gamer

      when to go iron talon jungle: there are 3 heroes in lane that can kill you together, or a 2 hero extremely unfavorable matchup

      when to stay in lane: they left the carry alone or its a weak dual lane OR their supports suck OR your support rotated and you can threaten a kill (esp. post 6)

      go back to base: yeah u very often have to at least once, get pms+ headress at some point and do ur best to kill as many large camps as possible when ur low enough that they can kill u

      to kill support who is zoning u: ur strongest at lvl 3 5 6 and 7 because you are MAXING BASH FIRST ALWAYS, get lucky trading hits with him, if hes vulnerable and you have a boots advantage you can try getting an oov but its all situational

      chronosphere u do not always have to initiate the fight with it, often u can wait for them to clump because u wont die easily. however recognize when killing 1 person will win u the game (am, slark type heroes when theyre super big, tinker also)

      its very important to not catch ur friends in chrono and also to make sure theyre near so they can follow up on a sweet 2-3 man chrono, having followup is just as important if not more than how many heroes u catch

      u can get a running away hero by hitting him with the far edge of chrono

      ALWAYS go treads vlads, after that 99% diffusal, 1% blink or shadow blade. after diffusal either manta OR silver edge OR (never had to do this) bkb. if you skip diffusal for blink its because ur poor as fuck and are going aghs (ur team has enough damage)

      shadow blade is an item you buy if you either NEED a perfect chrono or they have VULNERABLE HEROES that are vital to get the jump on, once against shit like tinker, AA, weaver, AM all qualifies but you have to be aware of when its better to just get the early diffusal / manta which is super high damage build and makes u difficult to kill

      some games u need to upgrade diffusal right away even though you lose a fuckton of potential

      i have more but im in game


        thanks man(or woman lol idk)

        ok when you can tell me about a matchup vs dazzle.last game i had a dazzle babysit a slark and i didnt get any considerable farm in lane nor could i threaten him since he just spam poison touch non stop and kite if i attempt to engage.

        also for later in the game, in example, if i can dive and safely solo kill a dazzle (or any other gamechanging support such as perhaps omniknight) as we are sieging HG, but i have to use chrono, should i do that? assuming the lineup isnt a wombo combo with chrono and i jsut pick void cause he's my only offlaner. or is it generally better to save chrono to use on more than 1 target?

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        casual gamer

          if u cant win lane just talon jungle and sap xp under tower until lvl 6, then use ur chrono to get kills on any lane and when its cd farm jungle or an empty lane

          if ur pushing dont use chrono to kil 1 useless hero like dazzle, save it because you can get dazzle + other people, and if u save it for a fight ur teammates will be more likely to follow u up wheras say u chrono dazzle and kill him and he BBs and also if u jump into 5 solo its very liekly u will get stunned either during or after and then die

          void completely fucks slark in the mid to late game, wait for him to use pact then press w and hes a walking creep, if u can catch him with chrono he is guaranteed to die


            He didnt mention this so i will mention it
            Lineup: ideally range carry like tb invo etc. wombo combo like jakiro et.
            Ganking: when you hit 6 try to gank you mid with your support.
            Other Itemisation: if you got a great teamplay go for blink after vlad. Sb if your team is facing good passive skill(pa,bb) and no one buy se. I would buy yasha before diff coz it grant mv and cheaper. Midas if you feel like the game will go long and no space to farm. Maelstorm is good if you have some space for farm and the attack speed is very valuable. Butterfly is one of the best item(my opinion) for faceless i would generally go for this after manta and diff with this item you can pick off pretty much everyone. Rapier is very good on fv because if you really behind and you got manta diff butter rapier you can make a great comeback. In my opinion 3rd best hero for rapier next to dusa and kunkka(fuck you ember)
            Remember that fv now peak off really early of the game around 15 min where when you gank with your friend you always kill the 2 enemy hero that you chrono


              I looked into your last match. You should play him as jugg. Chrono up gank chrono down farm(ns strat). You only got 75 lh in a game? Try to get 150 lh in a game. Your item is quite late. You have good kda but that dont show in your gpm

              M U R D E R

                Yea but in this precise case dazzle just stays behind and graves slark in chrono whi then can just shadowdance and rip our efforts :'D glad that didnt happen and we won ez.

                M U R D E R

                  Thx again duly noted

                  casual gamer

                    i used to get yasha before diffusal but diffusal lets u get a ton of solo kills and is better in large engagements due to the slow

                    i rarely find i get to farm vlad + yasha + diffusal before big fights


                      Can confirm trading hits w fv and get bashed in the face = ez lane for fv


                        Vlads is core. However there is another void build in the linkens rush. I like gettin blink later, after manta diffusal. With blink, manta, diffusal, and timewalk, and linkens or something u become so incredible hard to kill. I almost always go talon anyway cuz then i can maximise efficiency and farm the large camp in between lane. Armor is nice when trading too. Butterfly is good on void, but rapier is not. He dies too easily, and cant make enough use of it in the time in chrono. Just give kunkka rapiers tbh.


                          Fv completely destroys lanes without disables, and melee heroes since u cant kite him then.


                            i might start spamming void alongside timbersaw

                            isnt void good enough to be a viable first pick


                              once you have lvl6 you can kill alot of carrys and all sypports with a little help you coulf even kill a tidehunter so staying in lane doesnt mean you have to get gold just exp and get iron talon when you feel out played and go to the large camp by your secret shop or the enemys jungle to deny them pulls and farm


                                150 lh target in a game XDDDDD
                                It depends on the length of the game


                                  Yes, as long as you're a MoM rushing shithead
                                  Trust me cyka
                                  pls dont remind me of that airball chrono it happens once every 30 match I swear

                                  Totentanz to The King: M ...

                                    I ban Void every game. A good Void triggers you from laning stage to late game. Annoying fucker.


                                      you pretty much only go back to base once during the laning stage, once you get PMS treads and morbid (which you get quite quickly) , after that, you don't have to go back, either vlad's or linken's mana regen is enough for you to sustain those mana needs
                                      only jungle when you're against pure bullshit lane with lots of disable (rarely happens) or a trilane


                                        isn't SB more of a "oh siht the enemy can escape from me with his ability before I can chrono him" type of pickup?
                                        like against AM, QoP, slark, etc


                                          yeah havent really bothered with this hero until now but seeing he's one of the top offlaners i think its time i give him a try

                                          he seems straightforward but for some reason i find it difficult to win with him

                                          M U R D E R

                                            What about item timings for a hard lane?

                                            Also is pms wand talon and only then treads too much of a delay if you dont have free farm?

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                                              @JDF8 Why do you go Blink only 1% of the time? I see myself getting blink like 30% of the games, when I'm playing against some kind of annoying backliner, which I need to catch in the chrono, e.g. Silencer, Naga etc. Blink is useful in that case and I usually just go for diffusal after that anyway. Why would you go for Aghs?


                                                aghs so you have chrono up literally every teamfight.

                                                if i remember alright aghs blink on void was an esl frankfurt meta or the manilla major not sure

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