General Discussion

General DiscussionAxe vanguard upgrade and ...

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Axe vanguard upgrade and ... in General Discussion

    which one is good for late game.
    upgrade vanguard into abyssal blade/crimson guard?

    and for increase armor which one is good,
    ass. cuirass/shiva's guard/lotus orb?


      Axe is not a right click hero, he relays mainly on his "Counter Helix" ability, followed by "Culling blade" to finish off his opponents,therefor
      Crimson guard would be good item for (you and teammates), it can mitigate alot of physical damage and make you survive longer in
      teamfights.......As for armor shiva's guard and lotus orb are much better on axe then AC, because they both cover the mana issue that Axe suffer from, i personally favor lotus orb over shiva's, it's cheaper and the reflect spells ability on it can diffuse and reflect stuns and silence that are cast on you and your Allies which makes it a top tier item on Axe IMO.

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        Crimson guard is infinetly better on axe because he has to tank a lot of damage,abyysal blade is to be made if you really and I mean 'really' need that stun whose job can easily be done by a good berserkers call IMO.
        As for your second question, lotus orb is good when you have single target spells that can wreck you if you mess up your initiation also you can. Give it to your temamtes for some extra surviavability.
        If you are really owning your opponents a Shivas is good the ms slow help you catch up to enemies that somehow survived ur initiation.
        An ac is generally only good when you have to push towers in a diffuclt game IMO

        Vem Comigo

          crimson guard after blink, cheap item that does alot.


            Is it worth getting guardian greaves on him? Tried a couple times and worked very well, but those were stomps so I'm not quite sure how cost efficient it is

            doc joferlyn simp

              greaves sound good lategame, but you need your BoTs to get from one part of the map to another. axe can farm up pretty well with counter helix, and on a lot of occasions he will inadvertently "kill secure" with his culling. which means he fills up those slots fast, since he can accumulate gold fast. maybe you can pull this off with an io/pitlord/kotl for the global repositioning abilities, might be tricky though and it is very situational

              otherwise greaves might be a better alternative to BoTs


                Crimson is better early. However if ur axe gets solo safe, like aui2000 centaur ive seen on NP, abyssal is better late game. I played a game where we had no carries except me on axe, and i ended up winning with ac cuz we had a jakiro and with it we cud push as a team well, as ending as fast as possible was the only way to win.
                The only reason we won is cuz we cud walk up to t3's and use jakiro aghs ulti to zone, if they fought in it i wud call em with sunray, otherwise they wud have to stand back. Oncs jakiro ulti ends, omni wud ulti if they jumped in, then we wud wipe em up

                Totentanz to The King: M ...

                  Crimson is very unnecessary in most games. Just keep in as Vanguard unless you are playing against some 5-man Drow lineup or something, then get a Crimson Guard. In very very late game, just get a Hex instead, that would be more helpful.


                    you don't have to neglect rightclick damage completely. abyssal blade stun (and bash for that matter) is rly valuable, especially if you already have a crimson in your team.

                    ive stomped some game alongside a maelstrom axe (it does work quite nice early game if u are rly ahead when you call multiple people, the chain lightning helps to secure them culling blades). mjolnir isnt the worst item on him either (but your ally can just give you the buff)

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                      Mjollnir axe is so meme. I really wanna try it know holy shit.


                        just not until you have vg->blink->bmail ok?

                        i think better just roll with an aghs mjolnir drow

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                          Ye i know how to play axe


                            I go blink vanguard.

                            M U R D E R

                              Well then youd know that min 6 tranq vg is likely better than min 7 tranq blink just cause you can freely flashfarm any size jungle stacks and ancient stacks too.

                              Vem Comigo

                                vanguard blinjk is better, get vanguard at 8 minutes roll any lane

                                bum farto

                                  Crimson Guard is rarely worth the upgrade unless you're wanting to go HG with a 5 man team 20-30 minutes into the game. Same goes for pipe there is very little reason to get a pipe on Axe.

                                  Scenarios are important so like you're laning offlane and you're getting harrassed but you can stay in the lane. The damage is menial then Vanguard is usually viable cause you can continue sustaining your lane.

                                  If you're jungling rushing blink is usually the way to go, getting Vanguard diminishes a lot of the early game opportunity you have with Axe when heroes are low level, tps aren't possible, and heroes are weaker.

                                  Somethings I would recommend are BKB which people never seem to build, forcestaff, and Euls, as items to play around with. Most of my games are varied and I build for the game I am in, not following any particular build pattern.