General Discussion

General Discussionany high mmr support spammers here can answer some simple questions f...

any high mmr support spammers here can answer some simple questions for me? in General Discussion

    i'd like to know the pattern of out the pattern of how, why, where & when they roam?

    aka the first 10 minutes of the laning phase

    can someone tell me the support pattern, so that if i were to watch a replay i could use your pattern to predict how an early game for some X support in some X game will look like, as precise as possible.

    ex when will they rotate, what lane, which hero to go on etc...

    pls, i want answers from Blue star and up only,

    p.s i don't want a list, i want an explanation.

    tldr: first 10 min of support at a high mmr level

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      As a high mmr you should know every game is played differently, sometimes you're solo supp sometimes you're not and sometimes you are against a solo weak offlane or you're against a strong dual lane or a strong solo off like timber.

      However a standard pattern for me would be: Start with sentry always even if you have to buy the curier and 2 wards, meet the offlaner and preferably not let him notice you untill he has warded, then you harass as much as posible and deward while your teammates take rune, if offlaner doesnt come I ward the lane and move closer to the rune in case there's a clash there. If I havent been able to deward yet I wait for :30 and see if he blocked any camp, if so deward it, from 0:30 to 0:45 use whatever spell you have on offlaner for harass (if I have chance to kill I commit harder) then run to small camp and stack it, pull at 1:13, farm every creep and then go harass the offlaner more or if its 1:50 already go check the rune and depending on situation try and kill mid or if offlaner is farming the secret shop camp block it with your remaining sentry and steal exp and last hits if posible. Depending on sustain I suicide to go back to base or I go back to my lane to zone offlaner more or keep pulling.
      Then its all about keep your carry farm safe, and rotate depending on situation, I really try to adapt during games so I cant really tell much more. (for example you might have zonen the timber off very well but once he reaches lvl 6 he can probably solo kill your carry and that doesnt let you much freedom to move around the map, other games offlaner is just weak and is forced to commit jungle 100% and you can do as much as you want).


        oi i should've been more clear then

        i want only the **roaming** portion of the support gameplay

        ok so let's create a better scenario: enemy offlaner isn't killable, but he isn't an issue for your carry

        you have 2 roaming supports, so what/where/when/how/why you go roam at.


          what kind of supports


            roaming supps

            ex: kunkka, sd, orgy magi etc.


              hey cookie, mind if i ask a minor question here too?

              in my mmr would a roaming support be superior than babysitting supports


                obviously, it's far superior at any level


                  u always roam with t hem, dont u


                    If I'm playing ogre I would be all over the mid lane, even if mid knows I'm there I'd make sure he gets nothing from his lane and keep all runes under control, plus roam to their jungle if there is someone farming there. Let's say also I'm dire, I would approach from the fog into the trees next to radiant ancient camp and at the minimum overstep from the midlaner I'd go all in and back out as soon as tps are commited.

                    If I was playing cm I would prioritize more the economy boost she can get, farm big creeps and stack the camps (I hate cms in my games that kill the big creep and never finish or stack the camp), also control runes and with both q and w try and kill midlaner with same pattern most of the time (ancient camp trees), sometimes I also approach from bot rune, check the jungle a bit and abuse the fog easier from that side. It's all about economy at the end so just force rotations and kill if noone rotates. Keep farming big creeps and soon your position 5 cm has more farm than their pos 4 or even the pos 3.

                      Этот комментарий был удален

                        Sry im not high skill level but i know a bit by analysing games and playing a lot of roaming support. So safe lane is a win for your team right i would snipe cour at the start of the game then i have 2 option go to enemy jungle or disturb mid. If your mid is killable(sf, puck wo illu orb, alch) go kill the mid. I would send the invs roaming hero to jungle if they have one jungler. Then i would help ganking offlane or distrub. Then i will kill mid again with my support then i would push the safe lane tower as 4 if my team have am spec dusa etc. if not i will roam around the jungle kill cour kill mid depends.

                        Tldr 1st go mid then either go enemy jungle or offlane then go mid rinse and repeat


                          thats stuff he alr knows tho


                            I'll bump
                            I'm also interested in becoming a good roamer


                              I m a shitty support in General, I'll take any advice I can get


                                depends what are u playing against and what do u have in ur team, if enemy has cancerous offlane u should prob try to make sure ur safe lane has easier time and make some stacks if he can clear it, if there's not a whole lot u can do bout that u should try to make something happen in the other lanes, like ur off, mid, but u mostly roam @ nigh with smokes on mid and kill him multiple times, so ur mid hopefully is going to carry u till ur safe is going to catch up.


                                  idk how can u evne write it into words, it wont make any sense
                                  u either alrdy understand it, or the walls of text wont help
                                  u jsut watch the game and see where u can be efficient and where u cant

                                  its obvious u cant gank the offlane if u have some tide against trilane with drow there, at least not untill he hits lvl5
                                  on the other hand, storms pre lvl5, ember spirits, etc. on mid are easy targets

                                  you just go wherever u can do something, and its not necesarilly a kill. zoning enemy midlane is ok, sending him to base to heal is great, even just not showing up on the minimap has impact cz enemies r afraid to farm as they dont know where u r.


                                    there s no general strategy that u follow, all of the early roaming is based on ur short term decision making


                                      the goal is to pretty much make sure ur cores are more farmed than enemy ones, so u either zone them, kill them or w/e just being annoying.

                                      Super Speed Snail

                                        Is there any general or frequent situation when roamer decides come to a specific lane?

                                        Got extra dissabler already at lane?

                                        Enemy harassed hard and low leveled thus easy to ambush?

                                        Someone asking a help on a lane?

                                        Haste rune near a lane?

                                        BSJ. LGD

                                          theres no set pattern, it always varies on the situation. u can show on the far side of the map then tp to the other far side, then boom a gank, or smoke gank. or u can show mid to bait the enemy noob support to camp his mid then u go top and kill their carry, or when enemy supports are roaming so much, you can gank their little shitty carry thats alone. UNAVOIDABLE GANKS MANE

                                          generally the pattern for a pos 4 would be he always would want to gank someone or secure offlaner's farm by hitting enemy supports (enemy supports also cant do the efficient pull every minute/rotate because their carry would get no farm) or a NEXT LEVEL iron talon riki will farm enemy camps (leaving a shit small creep)+snipe enemy courier (huge space, mind fucks with good players thinking where are you)

                                          a predictable pattern would be, pos 5 support (harrass offlaner/kill offlaner if hes shit) just in time to efficiently pull, spam chain pulls every minute til minute 3.30 (ally shitty safelaner will cry because he didnt push the wave and now he has to last hit under tower) then you buy items at 3mins if u last hit properly brownboots>fc>wards to plant for the night rotate mid IN the river just at the edge of enemy mid's day vision, plant ward+gank the mids's ass (provided the enemy mid isnt a retardedly hard to kill hero if so a ward is enough) ez. a smart enemy support would put wards to spot support rotations so deward that or smoke (usually u dont need to do this because the enemy support usually are braindead and just give it to their offlaner and then the offlaner places it in a superrrr obvious place which u deward using the sentries u bought as a first item so they dont have vision). i literally did this every game in the past and it worked every time )TOP 2 RUBICK YASP. then the enemy supports will be like (I MUST HALP MY MIDDDD when ur showing mid(hit mid a few time) then u go gank their carry. or you can go back to kill the shitstain offlaner (since hes thinking "omg its safe to farm nao! durr") or just continue spamming pulls til 6, u should get it before minute 10 honestly (with 2 gauntlets and ult you have big powa spike) ) then show mid for space+re-warding then go smoke with your mid to enemy safelane.

                                          honestly early ganks without push dont really do shit early game, it also makes your safelane vulnerable so i just spam pull in my safelane till 6.
                                          ganks=shit, dual lanes=best thing ever vs trilanes, strong offlaner+jungle=xp graph gold graph explosion if enemy ganks cant even surpass jungle farm then why the fuk roam. double pos5 kind of heroes are actually so shiat in pubs i really hate trilanes because my support partner is always so shiat at the game and because kills on the offlaner is so shiat early game and generic pos5s are too squishy in the mid game (only generic defensive pos5s are good provided your cores are good) (that is why i like to play support nyx, he is the ultimate mid game initiator+late game disables king, so it really doesnt matter if your offlaner is shit which most of the time he is shit which always costs you the game when u play double pos5 support.

                                          very nice wall of text

                                          I am 322 ! I am NOT DDZ !

                                            shut tthe fuck up tripleteal he wants blue star and up


                                              ye sry


                                                for once ppls asking bout shit i do play and even then ubnrealistic requirements are set that dont allow me to open my filthy mouth :/

                                                Â INV MENYA LP PARTY

                                                  shut tthe fuck up tripleteal he wants blue star and up

                                                  Dr. Banana

                                                    Cookie using dotabuff forums as a last resort because he didn't get any productive feedback in r/learndota2.


                                                      i just noticed how r/learndota2 posters are retarded.

                                                      they're worse than the NS scrubs who make walls of un-readable text on this forum

                                                      Этот комментарий был изменён
                                                      Dr. Banana

                                                        Yeah they're so close-minded. Suggest them one thing they haven't heard of and all hell breaks loose.

                                                        However, good resource if you want general advice (that you're too lazy to search on google).

                                                        Этот комментарий был изменён

                                                          Like me?


                                                            hazard best player


                                                              Position 4 or 5?


                                                                give me specific matches and i can tell u.

                                                                We Love You Akuzuma Oppa!

                                                                  Dudes he is asking a simple fucking question just fucking answer his fucking simple question.

                                                                    Этот комментарий удален модератором

                                                                      I'm just 4k but I think they leave the lan when the creeps are near enemy tower. the rule is like "don't show up until u are useful"
                                                                      But it won't probably help u if u are not a high mmr player. pro players even get back when the roamer is missing ( I mean the pro players not high ranked players) or they play more aggrasive when their own roamer is missing to make enemy thing the roamer is here. in low mmr bracket people just don't care and u will be the only one who lose xp


                                                                        mentioning wk as roaming support and not mentioning es and bh PogChamp


                                                                          fuck u all

                                                                          bum farto

                                                                            ^ nice battle cup.

                                                                              Этот комментарий удален модератором

                                                                                this threads terrible


                                                                                  ur horrible


                                                                                    wont deny that



                                                                                      >tfw no gamer girl peeing gf

                                                                                        I read all this shit, and agree with lolz entirely about 1, 1, 3 being shit.

                                                                                        2, 1, 2 is much better currently, but supports should roam depending on x situation.

                                                                                        I roam depending on what I can do, or to punish misplays/cockyplays I see on the enemy side.

                                                                                        Anyway, continue.