General Discussion

General Discussionhigh ping

high ping in General Discussion

    is 125 ping too high ?this is the best i get on sea server others are worse.played my whole life on this ping.


      125 is a bit high but okay for playing. You only really notice a slight delay from 150 up. Id say anything below 200 is playable although anything above 150 starts to have noticeable delays.
      Obviously at higher MMRs where reaction time has a bigger effect you want to be below 100 ping at least.
      My ping usually sits between 80 and 120 and its fine.


        Same for me. I got used to it

        Bill Cutting

          Rofl this is so funny. I am from South Africa where there is no ranked dota, we search EU West where u get 250 ping. It has made me basically abandon mmr completed and almost kill myself. 125 ping is nothing.

          P.S people have got 5k searching at 200 ping.

          High Fructose Corn Syrup

            Get PLDT. I have 70 ping.


              If you're used to high ping then 125 is ok, but i feel the game is behind me when the ping is 90+, since i always play at 80 max. Anything more then 100 is too much and unplayable for me.


                Before AU servers existed I played USwest with 180 ping. Also I've played SEA sometimes with friends with around 130 ping and it's playable, just not ideal if you are a hero that requires fast reactions like Puck or Storm.


                  I used to have 20 ping but one day it got to 3000(not even joking) then now its around 110


                    200 ping isnt unplayable, i get ~190 on euwest and its not terrible, not ideal either but its ok.


                      im used to 5 ping. 200 is unplayable if u are used to 5 ping

                      Hanamichi Sakuragi

                        Am I the only one here who gets casual 400 pings and 20%+ packet loss?


                          i play with 90-120 ping , its fine if you get used to it

                          Bill Cutting

                            I'm with u Farix :-/

                            As long as your ping is consistent and doesn't spike to 400 every few seconds u can get used to it. Not ideal.


                              I get 190 eu west and it's perfectly playable


                                @Good Vibes & 1K Miracle: How do you guys get such low ping from SA to EU? I never get below 300 in EU :(

                                @Farix: Are you playing over Wifi? The packet loss could be interference with Wifi. Try connecting to the router with a cable and see if that fixes it.


                                  thanks for sharing guys ,really appreciate it. i guess im not the only one ,which makes it ok :)