General Discussion

General DiscussionBuy Silver Edge to which Heroes?

Buy Silver Edge to which Heroes? in General Discussion
Blind Guardian

    I usually play core and I want to know to which heroes I should buy Silver Edge. Thanks in advance!


      Any hero cause why not.


        Slark is 1 hero that buys silver edge as a core item


          Big black range creep

          Moosen Commando

            You dont want to buy silver edge based on your hero, you usually want to buy it VS heroes you need to remove their passive. Ursa after he has used his ult to stop fury swipes, Axe to stop him spinning, WK to take off his life steal/crit, Luna to take off her glaives/aura if she doesnt have a manta; are a few examples of when it works well. Builds should rarely be cut and dried. There are items some heroes lean towards; Blink for example on many heroes but even on some of those heroes you wont always get it. Think about what you need to survive and use your skills multiple times as a support, or what will let you stick to a hero without having to run away yourself or have them run away as a carry. As the enemy team has a different composition virtually every game your item build should be fluid too.

            Riguma Borusu

              "Luna to take off her glaives/aura if she doesnt have a manta"

              silver edge debuff is UNDISPELLABLE, nothing in the game will dispel it, not bkb, not manta, not euls or any spell or item, NOTHING


                Ursa,slark,Arc warden

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                lm ao

                  If you meant for which heroes, I buy a Silver Edge for Bristleback, maybe Timbersaw. I think thats only it.


                    riki first item
                    skip boots and regen too

                    Riguma Borusu

                      go home L you are drunk


                        Timber sounds like the worst hero to buy Silver edge on

                        Riguma Borusu

                          no on but for

                          lm ao

                            Silver egde is good on Timber if you have fast attack speed and you hate proccing more and more armor

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                            casual gamer


                              drow void sniper (antimage supposedly)


                              medusa sven



                                ^could you explain why Sven please?

                                casual gamer

                                  getting picks on enemy cores -> objectives

                                  15 +all is p good on sven, he farms it super fast as well

                                  im pretty sure u would go tread hotd echo blink then silver edge -> standard items. MAYBE shadow blade before blink if you absolutely need to hit a certain timing (kill antimage, storm)

                                  i have never done this but kitrak was talking about it a week ago and hes what 6k7k?


                                    OK I just though getting a se would be kind of sub optimal for Sven. Though still a better choice than the mom echosaber build I see I'm my bracket
                                    Anyways ty for the reply

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                                    Blind Guardian

                                      That's not what I meant. What I meant was: buy silver edge AGAINST which heroes? Like, which heroes get countered by Silver Edge.. Sorry..


                                        almost every core hero gets countered by it more or less.

                                        casual gamer

                                          pa huskar

                                          bristle dk luna bara viper venge wk

                                          timber sven void od lc riki slark slardurr sniper tide

                                          theres more ofc

                                          Этот комментарий был изменён

                                            Any1 with a good passive gets countered by SE as a slark I usually get a SE if I am going up against any
                                            Irritating passive such as pa or bb. An se against bara can severely mitigate any damage done by him If I m not wrong.


                                              If you are buying shadowblade for whatever reason I think the upgrade to SE is basically mandatory. SE in general is a bit situational though, the only hero who I buy it on every game is Slark and Drow I buy most games.


                                                It is mandatory but I don't think it should be rushed without a very strong passive on the other team, at least not i n my bracket.

                                                BUM!! I'M REALLY LIKE THAT

                                                  Enchantress, bristleback, pl, pa, huskar


                                                    Axe is a also a irritating hero that can be counter with a se, no counter helix means less damage output for him.