General Discussion

General DiscussionWhy no HS/VHS ?

Why no HS/VHS ? in General Discussion

    Pls. say, why Doto dont up me to HS or vHS. Its my old acc, so i play with cancerous stupid guys and win all matches.(IF u want, see my games per month) PS. sry i am monkey and know eng very bad.


      After about 20 - 30 games, you calibrate your unranked hidden MMR. So every unranked win now is giving you 25 to 50 hidden MMR.



        Mode adiman

          ns bois


            @Soy el jefe de los jefes High skill will calibrate at what mmr ?


              46,26. git gud


                46,26. wut ?

                casual gamer

                  why complain about ez wins?

                  Riguma Borusu

                    ^my thoughts exactly, people make smurfs exactly for this reason rofl

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