General Discussion

General DiscussionBenchmarks for offlane heroes

Benchmarks for offlane heroes in General Discussion

    What are the 5k+ benchmarks in general for heroes on the offlane like Void, Sand King, Timber, Slardar, Nyx?
    I mean there's some data for it in the hero guides, but most of them are stomps or need to be looked at in a replay.
    I heard Power Treads + one Vlads component on tenth minute mark is alright on Void for example.
    Any other clues?


      What, its extremely dependent on the lane. You cant just say x hero should have y item by z minute. An example would be timber vs sky huskar lane would be lucky to hit 6 by 8 minutes while compared to a shitty lane like void rubick timber should have a bstone by like 15 tops.


        I know that it's dependant on the lane and that there are extremes, but I didn't come here to ask about the extremes. I'm asking about your average lane. If you take all 5k+ games of one hero you will be able to calculate the average timing for a Blink on Sand King. I'm asking about those timings.