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General DiscussionHelp playing mid lane

Help playing mid lane in General Discussion

    I'm starting to play mid now since im in low skill brackets you won't have to worry about a lane parter messing the lane up. I've also been just playing invo since the hero is fun, but I'm having a hard time winning.
    I'll have decent game stats, xpm, gpm hero damage and tower damage but I can't really snowball like I'd want too. Any tips?


      Do u buy Midas?


        What build qe or qw? Cuz the only reason a hero as greedy as qe invoker works is because of sunstrike can let him be active while he farms. Im not a pro invoker tho but i know a thing or two. However both builds r wildly different and i jave really no clue how to play qw invoker tho i have done it.


          QE, I'll only go qw if I have too, but it's situational

          Potato Marshal

            Just cold snap with forge spirits and sun strike when they run away from their own creeps. Alternatively, you can use ice wall instead of sun strike.


              OK so I haven't seen a replay and my advice can be wrong so someone correct me but I think in that sf game specifically u shudda crushed him in lane earlier. Ask for space cow rotations and bully early with forge spirits. Don't know if u actually did that and the sf and Pudge kills won them the game cuz I don't know the specifics but that's my advice. And use sun strike to help maybe u missed some but it shud only be used when they r disabled like with spirit breaker. And no midas?


                I want to say I pushed sf out of lane a couple times and he caught up from jungling and killing the io. I had Midas but then in base while they were taking anchient I sold it to just finish the scepter. I tried spilt pushing to create space so Sven could get some items but I couldn't push enough