General Discussion

General Discussionhard as fuck game due to retards

hard as fuck game due to retards in General Discussion

    honestly my last game. i just get ganked mid by the ogre and pudge. and my team has 2 fucking junglers and a useless pa.

    Towards the end of the game we win a team fight and my dumb fuck team decides to push.. The AM and invoker on the other team both buy back. My useless team continues to push. They die. I lose. Thanks volvo




        Uhmmm K.


          Clearly Valves Fault. Ever considered you might be the "dumbfuck" that you questioning why you get objectives after winning fights or why you dont ward/jungle to look for the ogre rotating in. And why complain on here about it ?


            @omoz can you even read properly? There's a big difference between knowing when to get objectives and when not to. Since you didn't read properly i will say it again just for you so you can understand the situation. We won a team fight. Then my team pushed mid. Once we were at t3's the AM and invoker both bought back. instead of retreating. My team decided to continue pushing. They died and therefore resulted in them losing me the game. and it is valves fault because I should be playing with and against people like minded as myself. I shouldn't have to try tell people to back after the other team buys back.


              you're saitama nothing is too hard for you, why arent you 9k or maybe 10k yet? lul