General Discussion

General Discussion5uPeR SEACRekt 5h1tFe5t C1uB

5uPeR SEACRekt 5h1tFe5t C1uB in General Discussion

    Pretty sure this thread was busy as fuck when it was created
    Also RIP Adrian his memes never got out of the Whatsapp group chat [*]

    mom said it's my turn to ...


      mom said it's my turn to ...



          Get good boys


            you guys have a whatsapp group chat??


              Adrian worst coach in dotabuff
              His one and only student is still stuck at the same mmr 0% success rate lul


                ok we have a snapchat chat

                mom said it's my turn to ...

                  Hnnnnnnnnnngh bws(iiiiiiiiiiiiiiit)You've submitted too many comments recently, please wait a few minutes and try again.


                    Yes we do, pretty sure raj sent the link here few weeks ago


                      shit guys i have to actually school.

                      doc joferlyn simp

                        Ha jokes on you Bryant, when Adrian coached me I was at 2.1k. I calibrated at 1.4k and got to 2k because of Dotafire and Dotabuff. 800 MMR increase when I was largely playing casually doesn't seem too bad


                          Still 2k tho
                          Oh wait 🤔


                            Help im stuck at 2k how to get vhs


                              I was never coached and went from 1.1k to 2.6k, and I was climbing at a steady pace before I quit. I think anybody can reach 4k if you play with some seriousness and if you genuinely reflect upon your playstyle



                                mom said it's my turn to ...

                                  Understood have a great day

                                  mr. rabbit

                                    Being drunk seems like fun

                                    Oh wait wrong thread

                                    Whats the difference again

                                    i have 5 reports to use

                                      I have entered the rabbit hole

                                      mr. rabbit

                                        Fuck it u actually got to play granblue? It wouldbt fuckibg work on my browser


                                          Turtle quit dota?


                                            Wtf man why is everybody quitting dota except for mah twin bro


                                              thats the other difference between them, lot more anime in the seatards

                                              mom said it's my turn to ...

                                                Am sad no gashead like me anywhere in dorabuff


                                                  is this the new ayy lmao?

                                                  i have 5 reports to use

                                                    Lol Alice I'm using chrome and there's a chrome app for it.
                                                    Yes I stopped playing dota

                                                    mentally handicapped

                                                      wow this new patch is sick. changes the game a whole lot

                                                      game truly is now more teamfight oriented


                                                        Pew pew am buff tb buff luna buff ez game

                                                        mom said it's my turn to ...

                                                          Calling it now
                                                          Carry Etitan

                                                          死の恐怖 Haseo

                                                            aight time to spam am again


                                                              Playing sven if somebody want to party with me seems like a broken hero now


                                                                carry silencer now buys aghs.




                                                                    also fuck me battle pass and the new patch and I can't play dota for 3 weeks.



                                                                      Président® Salted Butter

                                                                        MID AXE INCOMING BOIS


                                                                          pa deso satanic at 25 min. 35% lifesteal crits. Instant 350 hp heal.


                                                                            r u ready for my mid bane, midas aghs build?
                                                                            also rat lord np.
                                                                            also wtf is wk lvl 25 talent lmao.


                                                                              New memes are born


                                                                                Sven is back praise diox

                                                                                mom said it's my turn to ...

                                                                                  My madness dagger luna is now viable again. So facking ossum


                                                                                    I build mom on luna haHAHA

                                                                                    mentally handicapped

                                                                                      imo Dagger on glass cannons like Sniper, Drow, Luna, Skywrath, etc, was always a legit pick up and close to becoming considered as a core one. You've got damage already through spells or right click steroids, what you need is a better, more dependable escape and making use oof the long window in which you can react if enemies try to jump you

                                                                                      mom said it's my turn to ...

                                                                                        Doh, dagger disabled from player sourced damage and "reliable escape" do not add up

                                                                                        mom said it's my turn to ...

                                                                                          Im thinking of dagger as a way to jump from camp to camp to really abuse the 1min jungle respawn, also good initiation tool, but good luck with dodging invi and other instant engagements with your godlike reflexes

                                                                                          mentally handicapped

                                                                                            point of a glass cannon is to do an extreme amount of damage far away from the enemy you are targetting, hence "cannon". they arent called glass rifles for a reason rofl. if you have decent brain processing skills ofc you will see an enemy trying to make a move on you, since chances are youre hitting from a ridiculous range. at the slightest whiff of danger you can just blink away from their vision. yes it will take you some time to come back to the fight but staying alive is your highest priority, youre useless dead

                                                                                            mentally handicapped

                                                                                              yeah dagger is a pretty greedy way to speed up your farm. i remember someone putting in like this: "am has blink, but he cant clear creeps fast, which is why he gets battlefury. now luna can clear creeps fast, but she has no mobility, which is why dagger is a legit pickup". i remember notail's alche picking it up as well

                                                                                              i read it when i was a 1k reading dotafire guides lul

                                                                                              mom said it's my turn to ...

                                                                                                If you have decent brain processing skills you wouldnt classify luna as a glasscannon when you define them as heroes who can deal damage from afar rofl. Like I said, good luck having enough foresight to dodge an invi hero or any other instant initiation.

                                                                                                mom said it's my turn to ...

                                                                                                  Dagger on alch speeds up his farm by quite a lot, plus good opportunities for pick offs with stun, but he otherwise falls off rather quickly if he doesn't swap his dagger for a 6th item near the end of midgame


                                                                                                    Unfortunately it seems antimage is not as good as I think he is this patch
                                                                                                    Cucked from the laning phase = hard time coming back from jungling
                                                                                                    Also until you get your BF you farm like a goddamn snail through jungling so you have to go full-spectre and afk at the lane smh