General Discussion

General Discussion5uPeR SEACRekt 5h1tFe5t C1uB

5uPeR SEACRekt 5h1tFe5t C1uB in General Discussion

    Guys I'll play in few mins lets finish our LP

    mr. rabbit



        shamefur dispray as a core pyon-tan. you must commit sudoku

        obsessed lunatic


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          obsessed lunatic

            fucktard only spent 200
            I spent 2k
            still more gpm


              >1k support


                Bws wanna play?


                  hey keed. wanna play with ma deeek

                  obsessed lunatic

                    invite me


                      W8 washing dishes


                        alch god


                          Qop and alch god
                          Now I have 12% winrate on both heroes


                            Lets go im in doto

                            mr. rabbit

                              i want cuki to teach me how to play alch, but i have to play 100 alch games first and build a shrine with an alch statue with cookie's face in it and pray to it everyday from 7am to 12:03am to show my dedication i dont know what to ask him :/


                                echo sabre am masterrace


                                  alch is a shallow hero imo. its theoretically bryant's best hero because all you have to do is farm to win. perhaps the blink mechanic allows for faster farm but by virtue, alch is the hero which fits the definition of "farmer" the most

                                  mr. rabbit

                                    yeah and i suck at farming lmao

                                    btw this hero hits reaaaallly hard with armlet treads radiance


                                      i played a meme game with a friend earlier today, randomed axe and he randomed dazzle. meanwhile this random dude who was my friends acquaintance had no idea why we were playing like we were throwing the game, in the end he had to carry had as alch despite having a questionable build


                                        i dont like midas on him tho

                                        mr. rabbit

                                          midas is gigadogshit on alch lol dude


                                            but i see people building midas on him just so that they can have more gold. i cant count how many times ive seen alch build that. fuck valve creating a midas cosmetic item for him. makes people who dont read patchnotes build it on him

                                            mr. rabbit


                                              one of the many games that says "midas is shit on alch"

                                              and they all had the nerve to blame the loss on me too! granted, i didnt do that well either, but theyre spewing bullshit like "first pick countered gg am" when they have beyond horrible scores xd

                                              i have 5 reports to use

                                                It's an okay item


                                                  idk iirc alch had less than okay stat growth, one of the shittiest i think. in terms of levels unless youre a ganking alch instead of a full farming one levels dont matter much as long as youve got the acid spray and greed maxed, which you can get at the lane

                                                  mr. rabbit

                                                    hey, im enigma, i wont stop jungling ever and blame the loss on my AM because you always have to stick to your role no matter what even though you can finally take fights!

                                                    oh, not to mention lets rush blink dagger so we can use our long-ass cd ult and not build something more useful like a mek instead!

                                                    hey, im alchemist, im gonna 2nd pick this hero because i dont want our first pick AM to get farm!

                                                    oh, let's also build midas into shadowblade then start pooling aghs upgrades, this will definitely not make our team lose because im not a useless money-hogger that does nothing except die to slark!


                                                      let the tilt out fam. better than letting it boil lmao

                                                      mr. rabbit

                                                        i dont get these ppl at all

                                                        i am mega triggered because theyre complaining about my am getting countered

                                                        like who the fuck cares about me being countered anyway, its my problem, why not just try to do something so i can actually have an easy time farming and win the game for them? instead all this enigma does is farm the fucking jungle all game when they have a bs/axe/slark on the enemy jungle and our alchemist is taking what little space i have to build his stupid items, its like these ppl dont wanna win xd

                                                        srsly tho this is rly infuriating

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                                                          with all your experience at lower brackets id thought youd have developed think skin for these type of people by now lmao

                                                          mr. rabbit

                                                            i know i cant expect too much from my team and should try to do most things on my own but is it too much to expect them to at least not feed and help me win

                                                            mr. rabbit

                                                              ? 3k is low bracket

                                                              reason im mad is because i cant do anything about it

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                                                                i thought you were like 2k for 2 years or some shit ._.


                                                                  I have been sub1k for 1 year hahaa


                                                                    hey adarsh werent you able to climb to 1k MMR before dropping?


                                                                      Yep before I trusted a 3k to play a game and then lose that sweet 4digit


                                                                        my god which bastard breached the sacred trust between memers?

                                                                        mr. rabbit

                                                                          yeah ive been 2k for over a year but most games were party mmr so its not like whether i did well or not matters

                                                                          mr. rabbit

                                                                            well at least i know now that my farming patterns still sucks major ass


                                                                              I have 60% winrate in soloq even after throwing a lot of matches :thinking:


                                                                                my farming patterns sux but i can still win games just because i can kill people repeatedly in lane xd


                                                                                  So suppose ur playing a hero with plenty if mana regent like lion or lich and while you don't need mana boots and would be better off making tranquils your team wants you to go for mana boots.
                                                                                  What do you do?


                                                                                    well technically neither lion nor lich have plenty mana regen, they do have ways in order to attain mana tho

                                                                                    and as a support, your purpose in the game is to accentuate your carries' strengths so that they can win the game for with you. if your team lacks an arc boots you should make it as a support, just so that you can sustain your team's mana needs. in the case of lion you cant really mana steal conveniently tho, so its always a good thing to have some burst mana over. you need that for clutch hexes/mini-rupture or just finger

                                                                                    the utility of arc is too great to be ignored




                                                                                        even stacking it sounds like a good idea imo. the pos 5 can try and assemble pieces for gg boots since the component are a lot cheaper compared to glimmer cape/medallion/force staff/etc, things which the pos 4 should get


                                                                                          Most pos5 won't find farm for gg boots tho :thinking:


                                                                                            gg boots need a mek. mek components are cheap af. not much things that are worth more than 500 gold at a time, except for mek recipe, gg boots recipe, and arcane orb. beyond that its just headdress and a buckler lmao

                                                                                            compared to a euls that needs 1k gold, 850, wind lace. glimmer cape needs a 1.4k item and the hood thingy. medallion is okayish i guess, but stacking medallions isnt optimal in any case


                                                                                              I would rather get fs and glimmer or something so that I don't end up feeding more times than I need to tho .
                                                                                              Eh I play like a sub 1k so whatever I do doesn't matter much anyways

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                                                                                              141 2/3 CHANCE OF WINNING

                                                                                                More often than not, most pos 5 heroes will be too busy warding to actually get the mek in time, not to mention arcane boots, wand, lace and all that stuff. And mek isn't great anymore post 30 mins, at that point a pos 5 would just be so much better off with a glimmer cape, a ghost scepter or even a force staff


                                                                                                  feelin lonely... cant play LP solo.. anyone up for a match?


                                                                                                    where you at BWS??

                                                                                                    141 2/3 CHANCE OF WINNING

                                                                                                      I'd rather have the pos 4 rush the mekansm because the 4 would get it much faster