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General Discussion5uPeR SEACRekt 5h1tFe5t C1uB

5uPeR SEACRekt 5h1tFe5t C1uB in General Discussion

    Rate my echo upgrade, solid theorycraft eh?

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        3/22 wud smash


          rofl theyre all unranked

          u should play more with zid so u can put more high kill/vhs games in ur match history and lose them cuz ur actually normal skill like i did


            everytime i duo queue with that guy, we lose l m a o

            tho i lose all duo queues anyway


              A lesson I learned long time ago is never play with friends if you want to keep your WR.

              I still break that lesson.


                friends > any number in dota, id stop queueing solo ranked if a friend invites me to play lpq with him

                cuz i actually have fun when i do

                doc joferlyn simp

                  Zid's and my party MMRs were too far apart (my flat 2k to his 4k+) so we weren't able to party ranked. High skill tho FeelsGood

                  doc joferlyn simp

                    Fuck winrates man they don't mean that much lmao



                      Yea, it's all fun and games but my friends to sometimes pick heroes they haven't played which gets annoying for me personally. And the reason behind that is "I don't feel like playing anymore", wtf, why invite me then


                        winrates mean a lot for solo ranked

                        otherwise they dont mean shit lowl


                          l o l idc w/e the fuck they pick, haffy fucking went bfury void with me and that game triggered the fuck out of me gave me lots of giggles

                          but i would feel annoyed too if they wont fucking stop complaining about stuff they brought to themselves

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                          doc joferlyn simp

                            You can inflate winrate by partying with significantly better players who are smurfing, then sort of tryhard each game.

                            At one point before this great Club was formed I had 60%~ solo winrate for 3 straight months because I went to sleep thinking about Dota 2 haHAA

                            doc joferlyn simp

                              Mum told me to follow my heart, and my heart told me to go with Battlefury Void (a hero who has had his carry capabilities nered from his Agi gain to base damage to BAT) and it worked out well because I was playing with a fucking sadist.


                                a fucking sadist

                                i appreciate the compliment good sir


                                  ur mum wont even let u play dota man HAHAAHAH

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                                  doc joferlyn simp

                                    My heart is always right unless what my heart tells me disagrees with my mother's opinion, that is the moment it is wrong.


                                      tho i lose all duo queues anyway


                                      doc joferlyn simp

                                        I'll have to suck this up I think, anyway school is almost over and after a nice little reprieve and then school all over again.

                                        Such is the way of the world, as it has always been ever since education was deemed a necessity.


                                          tfw i have no heart

                                          doc joferlyn simp

                                            Then follow you next most important organ: your peniiiis.


                                              My mom told me to follow my heart
                                              So I played pos 1 dagpn bounty

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                                                i sexully identify as Alice and am offended. According to APL (Alice Protection Laws) i can use it as an Alice to protect my human rights and send you to jail, u Alicephobe


                                                  Just played some bot match and used TB
                                                  4-0 5 minutes in
                                                  Suddenly my tiny TPed into my lane stealing farm and threw me to axe and SK

                                                  doc joferlyn simp

                                                    bot match

                                                    Hands off that kush son.


                                                      I didn't think I have enough time or internet stability to play a real match
                                                      I don't want another lightbulb incident


                                                        Plus I closed dota right after that genius threw me anyway


                                                          Lul nice cherry picking bruh



                                                            doc joferlyn simp

                                                              I'm not cherry-picking lmao. Those are all my HS matches rated, idk why the Lifestealer one hasn't been added yet.


                                                                Last time I played BF void I ended up not feeling that item doing anything at all and lost because I couldn't do anything on the hero's supposed to be power spikes

                                                                doc joferlyn simp

                                                                  Void's power spike is at level 6 lmao, his items right now should complement the power spike of his team's main damage dealer.


                                                                    dont forget to report every techies player u meet, even though he kinda won you the game because our 30 min sb echo sabre slark had time to win the game for us. even though we lost 2 rax because we were 4 v 5 and techies did not plant bombs in base. the techies effect. still reported



                                                                      is playing with techies rly that bad lowl

                                                                      cuz i rly enjoy the hero

                                                                      pls dont let the celtikkk...

                                                                        It's not bad if it's u KappaPride

                                                                        Nah just kidding techies is cancer 4Head


                                                                          I don't care if my team have techies or not as long as he's doing his job


                                                                            seatards asleep
                                                                            such mortals


                                                                              Techies is now like super good for your team and super bad for enemy. Anyway i will always report smbd who play techies if he is not from my party


                                                                                Moch. Yves :thinking:


                                                                                  Yves isnt a name

                                                                                  pls dont let the celtikkk...

                                                                                    It tilts me to play against techies. That shit is cancer unless I'm playing oracle or abaddon


                                                                                      Huskar mid starting items? Tang salve ff branchx2 circlet?


                                                                                        speaking of huskar mid, just played w/ a 4.4k solo and 5.5k party huskar who only started with a bracer
                                                                                        fuck that


                                                                                          No regen only bracer sounds actually autistic


                                                                                            I love the feeling of queing single draft then destroying opponents with a hero I don't even play.


                                                                                              23-8= destroy? :thinking:

                                                                                              LIL KASALANAN (REAL)

                                                                                                ive got a muhda fuken star b000i


                                                                                                  I got a dragon