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General Discussion5uPeR SEACRekt 5h1tFe5t C1uB

5uPeR SEACRekt 5h1tFe5t C1uB in General Discussion
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      It isnt your birthday?


        hi dog. when do u wanna play.

        meanwhile apoo is spamming luna for free mmr. lul

        D the Superior
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            Welcome to imba centaur guys WOWWOWOWOWOW. So whats the build, tranq, blink, vang/hood > pipe/crimson > heart? Maybe a force staff? I think safelane centaur is legit now, u get the spell amp, a heart, and return aura, and just melt the enemy team thx volvo


              Release your icefrog 🐸

              pls be patient very noob ...

                Have you seen pos 1 cent by resolution? That shit's pretty good. BoT, manta, heartx2, mjolnir cuirass and a backpacked bkb, dagger would make him a ridiculous high ground machine

                pls be patient very noob ...

                  Yo my peenoy brothers. Is it just me or does the rexona for men sachets contents smell like glue? Or are they probably fake? Bought the same shit from 3 sari sari stores now. I really need to buy that old spice deo somehow


                    dog im just waiting to try that centaur build with you <3


                      Manta style return doesnt work anymore dude. I wud mjollnir is okay, but wtf cent safe imo is good because of his mid game snowball into late game unkillability, and mjollnir doesnt really help that. I wud take ac over shivas tho. Pipe is many times needed instead of 2nd heart but if you can get away with it then its pretty good. Ever thought of armlet? More strength wow.

                      pls be patient very noob ...

                        Together we siege high ground with my rocky balboa alche <3


                          I wud never ever backpack dagger. Its too clutch. Backpack bkb is k, but as a cent with double heart and ac i wud be fine with getting stunned and hit with any spells so long as it spares my supports.


                            How's May?


                              I saw aui 2000 take the t3 tower by standing infront of it with return, and he was so tanky the enemy team (i think eg) cudnt kill him. Sooooo cheesy.

                              pls be patient very noob ...

                                Ik manta style return doesnt work but who doesn't like 3 shitsturdy centaurs?


                                  Also i want to try jakiro extra range with dlance/pike and sieging from 800 range away. Maybe even deso cuz liquid fire is not a uam anymore


                                    Ye but cent late game is abt return and return aura, and bursting supports, most carries win a rightclick battle against him. Manta wud be cool if u got radiance. Maybe build naga centaur?


                                      Naga centaur LUL octarine manta radiance.

                                      Edit: it takes too long for centaur to get those items.

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                                      pls be patient very noob ...

                                        As a pos 1 centaur you could just ignore dagger and let your team play around you. 6 full slots dedicated to a fully menacing pos 1 cent is better than a 5 slot pos 1. You should pick someone else for playmaking



                                          pls be patient very noob ...

                                            Ahah im not sure what may's reaction would be when she knows ive been giving her all those gifts the entire time, but at the very least i think i could take it slow and easy. The competition is weak

                                            pls be patient very noob ...

                                              Actually cent has incredible wave clear from his return and double edge. It's just that he seldom gets priority 1 farm


                                                go in for the kill, dont be a pousti, december is literally the time of the year to ezly get a girl

                                                pls be patient very noob ...

                                                  It's just a matter of softening the meat before digging in, if you know what I mean ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)


                                                    if you take to long though to go in for the kill, you will regret it


                                                      Centaur farms really really fast. Not always do u have another play maker and even on safelane heroes i value blink a lot. If cent (like a sven or jugger or some shit) can just blink stomp double edge the support and burst him down its huge. Just like a sven jumping and 2 hitting a sd or some shit.


                                                        Dude u have to get in the fold before valentines, and use that to really get in the fold ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

                                                        pls be patient very noob ...

                                                          what if I rush in and get killed instead?


                                                            Ofc you buyback you little dog


                                                              Dude if dog doesnt bag i will end my life. The pressure is on

                                                              pls be patient very noob ...

                                                                oho thats easy. Bye may


                                                                  "To get to VHS you need to pick high skill cap heroes
                                                                  Juggernaut will put you in normal skill
                                                                  PA will put you in normal skill
                                                                  Shadow demon will put you on high skill
                                                                  Chen, meepo, io, etc will put you in VHS
                                                                  Your stats, KDA, GPM doesn't matter
                                                                  Works best in calibration and just by picking those heroes would put you in VHS unconditionally"
                                                                  ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
                                                                  Let's see how many retard smurfs I will fool


                                                                    Come play dotes with us




                                                                        I won't play for 3 days


                                                                          Kelly is a typical peenoise begging for mid every game to brag about his epenis and mad skeelz
                                                                          What's not typical about him is that he has positive attitude and actually does his job


                                                                            why cant you play for 3 days?


                                                                              fyi im only half peenoise


                                                                                Its not that I can't play for 3 days
                                                                                I don't want to play for 3 days
                                                                                Got abit bored of it, I'd rather come to where my father works to gain some experience instead of trying to get some useless digits that won't help me in life at all
                                                                                Not to mention I'm trying to save some money, fucking net cafes lmao


                                                                                  Hay renshin. How was your date the other day. Hope it was worth the abandon and lp?


                                                                                    well u could always just get a semi decent laptop and play at home like me. Don't even need a PC. Just good internet


                                                                                      I only need to get a new ghrapic card to get my PC to start working again, it has been like that for 6 months or so
                                                                                      The thing is, our family's economic condition is relatively tight and there are way more important things to cover than my own fucking enjoyement
                                                                                      I don't want to spare like 50k rupiah out of my weekly 100k pocket money for like 20 weeks man holy shit that means 4 months of not playing DOTA2 at all I can't hold on that long


                                                                                        i did not even get low prio jacked, it was well worth it


                                                                                          Graphics cards are that cheap? Well worth imo. Rather than bleeding more money in net cafes for life. I imagine u need time and money to travel too.

                                                                                          But i mean. Fuck dota if there are more impt things in life to attend to.


                                                                                            Well my father promised me to buy me a ghrapic card this month
                                                                                            But if he doesn't, I'd be fine

                                                                                            doc joferlyn simp

                                                                                              Meanwhile, cucks don't know that MK's statues during his ulti also procs the lightning. Deso when you've got passive LUL

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                                                                                              doc joferlyn simp


                                                                                                Meanwhile, playing LPQ with heroes I don't use and I still have to try to carry the team. Fuck my Dunning-Kruger.