General Discussion

General DiscussionInternet around the world

Internet around the world in General Discussion

    Just a quick question regarding internet speeds, as i feel like i'm stuck in the stone age here, i would love to stream however my net just can't hold up.

    Location - Australia
    UP - 0.9
    Down - 12mb/s

    doc joferlyn simp

      do not go to sea just please


        Ping to Safrica 62ms
        Ping to EU West 229ms.
        Ping to other places 300-400ms.

        Be thankful for what u have :).


          my best ping 100. 50% time it's 120 around 160.

          Bosnian Blade

            50/5 mbps

            ping 30-50 eu


              Germany, 100 down, 30 up.

              Though if I went 2 streets down, it'd be like 6 down and 1 up

                Этот комментарий удален модератором

                  Germany 250 down 30 up
                  Ping EU east / West and Russia 5
                  Rest is 20 and Australia SEA is 100

                  FREE PALESTINE

                    Philippines 3 down 2.5 up, 100 ping SEA

                    This is why I don't play at home anymore


                    Этот комментарий был изменён

                      Hartz your internet makes me feel inferior in every way.


                        ^ got friends from swiss they got like 500 down dont know if its even possible to have more.


                          I have Down's syndrome and I can't get it up in bed.


                            Dayumn! European internet is insane.

                            The fact that you can play on every server with decent (playable) Ping. Blows my mind.

                            Hopefully when i change Location, i'll be able to get something that is stream worthy, but those speeds absolutely blow my mind


                              When I lived in Australia I can't help but notice how backward the Internet is. Fucking data caps and slow ass download speed. Jesus Christ what's up with the Internet there.

                              And where I live we have 300mb/s even 1000mb/s now