General Discussion

General DiscussionSven vs weaver

Sven vs weaver in General Discussion

    This is the second time I chose Sven and enemy chose weaver afterwards.

    It seems a farmed weaver is not easy to kill with Sven's q. And rarely I see synchronised stuns.

    So what item can I make to handle such situations.

    I don't like to rely on teammates too( they don't even buy wards lol i spent 1000+ gold for wards) much cause even I asked them to make orchid and use it after poping linked. They just won't listen. I want to learn to solo handle this hero as Sven.

    Should I make orchid on myself? Or any other item? There must be some way

    PS: in last game my items were bit late cause I was solo against huskar PA and sniper for like 6-7 min.

    Эта тема была изменена
    Da Vinci





          5 cs a min on a hero that has innate cleave. Should be 10+ especially vs 5 carries.

          174 Tower damage. Should be thousands.

          12 deaths. Make better decisions.

          casual gamer

            bloodthorn go bloodthorn

            wait for someone to pop linken



            chop chop chop dead bug


              Well yes I need improvement in cs. but it was really tough to go against 3 laners solo.
              But TD they were split pushing all time. I had to be with team.

              We won the early team fights.

              Anyways point noted to improve death and pushing. But still the game will go late. What about then?


                Ty jdfb. I thought of orchid but not of
                Bloodthorn. That is a viable thing on sven

                >tfw no gamer girl peeing gf

                  Dust/Solar Crest

                  Solar Crest has a ton of range and gives you armor and evasion.
                  Dust, so you can see the little fuck, and you want to use Solar Crest on him first, especially if he has a linken's so it pops and you can go in for the stun.

                  If he does not have a linken's, he is food.

                  Blink is not the best on Sven, yes, he needs mobility. But Yasha into SnY is far superior, and with your E you get around 455 movespeed.


                    but weaver can have diffusal blade (which is a great pickup against sven as it purges war cry on top of the desolator) or at leaast hurricane pike so if you bloodthorn him he can just purge it and time lapse or simply kite with a hurripike.

                    Этот комментарий был изменён

                      when ganking a weaver who has linkens, stun creeps and hope that is enough time to dumpster weaver


                        you can't manfight weaver with sven because sven is easily kited and weaver is one of, if not, the most mobile (by ground moving) and evasive hero. and weaver usually builds linkens and your stun becomes useless. unless you have God's strength on with crazy damage and hope that the weaver is beside other enemies that you can stun them to bypass linken's, it is pretty difficult to beat him, if both you and the opponent have the same skill level.


                          Yes I did manage to kill him in team fight with aoe Stun. But while jungling I was vulnerable against weaver.

                          Этот комментарий был изменён

                            Solar Crest doesn't trigger Linken's


                              sven shits on weaver

                                Этот комментарий удален модератором
                                Riguma Borusu


                                    Этот комментарий удален модератором

                                      Maybe ban weaver or dont first pick sven

                                      Riguma Borusu

                                        why the fuck would you ban weaver against sven, you would literally have to be brain dead to do that, the hero can't fucking farm, you can just outfarm him and kill him every time once you get orchid/bloodthorn, that's a solo kill, in a teamfight you can have someone else pop his linkens so you can silence him and dumpster his ass, at the point where here has treads desolator and linkens you should have treads, dominator, echo sabre and blink and be deep into building bkb or crystalis into bloodthorn because you're actually farming at the speed which weavers can only dream of also warcry negates most of his damage anyway so you're giving almost guardian angel buff to your whole team on 50% uptime

                                        holy shit weaver is so bad against sven it's actually laughable


                                          or u know just ignore the weaver because ur hero takes 0 damage from him lol. then buy a shadowblade, stun the creep next to him, and kill him. xD

                                          Bow to your daddy

                                            normal skill perspective dude @Chladnyatcha


                                              Go for keeper of the light, at early game that fcking cockroach is dead or u can go with BS.

                                              Dave Skylark

                                                Normal skill bracket...
                                                Bottom line, you're just a noob. Play another 10000 rounds so you will suck less.


                                                  Lol think it was their full carry team that was the problem against ur single core lineup


                                                    Looks awfully like a 1k game