General Discussion

General DiscussionCaptains Mode

Captains Mode in General Discussion

    I wonder why noone plays cm anymore or is it just cuz my mmr is to low?

    Dune, the Desert Planet

      Cause it's a shit mode with random people. I stopped playing it because I would always be highest mmr and play with shit player. Not enjoyable games at all. Also ppl tend to rage when I build a team around a certain core and then pick up said core for myself, despite winning the game almost alone.

      edit: see my -cm win rate.

      Этот комментарий был изменён

        i noticed many pros play ranked random draft....


          It sucks with random people


            Why would you ever play a mode where randoms pick your hero for you, pubs are random enough as it is without being able to actually control what hero you play.


              When i Spiked to 4700 last year if did it with only captains Mode. Felt like ez games. Even met havoc there. But if i Search cm nowdays im in queue for 30 min +