General Discussion

General DiscussionStucked in 3k? - spam sven

Stucked in 3k? - spam sven in General Discussion

    A lot of people nowadays make topics about being stucked in 3k. There are a lot of ways to grind but not all of them are easy to execute. I will try to describe easiest method which helped me +400 MMR in 1 week. Btw. i was 2 times in 4k already.

    Ok first a little bit of explanation why sven. Sven because he is easiest hero to abuse ancients stacking and this is the reason you win more.
    Sven have 55% win rate in 3k bracket. Not everybody is used to stack ancients. Imagine someone play sven and learn farming pattern it will boost overall win rate to around 75%.
    Here my record:

    Now step by step guide.

    Draft: mark safe lane sven asap, if someone else is also marking carry, just first pick sven if possible. People have no idea how to deal with him in 3k anyway.
    Starting items: Shield, tango, salve, mango. Mango is important to bait kills, a lot of time offlaner will neglect your mango and will only look for mana which will misslead him that you aint got mana for stun.

    Skill build:
    lvl 1 stun, lvl 2 war cry then max cleave, war cry and stun last. You can even take stats and leave stun on lvl 1.

    Early game: as soon as you get 200 gold buy QB then boots. If you cant zone enemy offlaner push lane all the time and pull hard camp at x:53 so it will stack. It can be easily cleaned with ultimate even if this is quadra stack. As soon as you farm dominator, dominate any range creep and send it to ancients.

    Don't be afraid of control groups. I always bind dominated creep under 2 and sven under 1 so i can switch faster when timer hitting 50 seconds. Ancients can be stacked when dominated creep is in range of ancients and attack command is issued at x:52 or x:53.

    Mid game:
    As soon as you have treads, cleave lvl 4 and war cry level 2 you can farm quadra ancients stack.
    If you are not yet used to stacking when timer hits 40'ish seconds issue attack command on jungle camp so you will not be disturbed during stacking.

    Try to avoid fights for 15 minutes, just push safe lane and hide to jungle and stack ancients.
    Build Blink and Echo Sabre and start working on your daedalus.

    Late game:
    In my opinion sven late game comes at 22+ minute mark, its when your deadalus is ready, your ultimate is lvl 3 and you want to start dumbster underfarmed enemies. Its very common that enemy heroes will die during stun because sven can land 3 hits and one of those will probably be crit.
    Normally follow up to this build would be immediatelly BKB but if game is going well and you are not afraid of enemies going to rush your base and win I normally make Boots of Travels which fills last free slot. Next item is moonshard which replace Treads slot. Then Satanic and then BKB but game should already be over by that time.

    Alternative mid game build(game is hard as fuck): Make BKB before daedalus, then daedalus unless enemy have evasion.

    I think after 20 games of sven using this pattern win rate should stabilize at 75-80% in 3k bracket.
    Ancient abuse is crucial here.
    I hope this will be helpful for 3ks or lower. If you are 5k or 4k and it doesnt work in your bracket read topic title again and fuck off.
    Have a nice day!

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      Late BKB
      I'm triggered
      Cool guide tho


        If you wanna get really good at sven i'd recommend watching deidaradota on twitch

        He's a 7k sven spammer


          @cookie , do you know any timbersaw spammers on twitch?
          @op, good guide fam,


            N1 cookie, gonna give it a try today.

            casual gamer

              sven imo extremely underrated carry

              hes one of the faster "normal" farmers and he shits out damage like no other

              he can take the game as late as he wants, never falls off, can defend megas

              oh and he crushes OD, and can 3-4 shot morphling pre skadi with cleave, 2 shot with crit

              Dire Wolf

                yeah sven's pretty good but without that ancient stack meh, idk he doesn't outdo the other meta carries imo, gets kited a ton late. What's nice is he doesn't have hard counters and is fp worthy. I mean shadow demon is probably the closest thing to a hard counter and no one picks him.


                  Ursa is hard countering him as fuck - at least me :P

                  Этот комментарий был изменён

                    I'm way too shitty on sven and I don't have time to practice another hero


                      tfw you play your dota and suddenly sven joins a fight with lvl 20 and 5 slots in 25th minute

                      casual gamer


                        enemy team has 3 diffusals + brood bite + drow arrows + hurricane pike and i didn't get kited

                        a lot of sven is good execution, having allies like void and omni can help as well


                          W0w Fear confirmed


                            W0w Fear confirmed

                            this happened at leat 2 times in my games, both when i was playing od
                            it's fun when you're lvl 13 and suddenly enemy sven is 8 levels higher

                            casual gamer

                              yeah if you dont contest his stack winning becomes difficult


                                Thats exactly why i made this guide for 3k and lower because ancients are blocked or contested in less than 1/5 games

                                Dire Wolf

                                  well omni repel + melee carry is pretty op, even with enemy having diffusals, plus you have axe vs brood/axe setting up for kills.

                                  Anyway, sven's a good pick, what's really nice about him is his build is a no brainer. You can build the same exact shit every game and it's almost always the ideal build, treads, dominator, blink, echo in some order, daedulus, bkb in some order. The hardest decision is probably whether to build blink or echo first.

                                  "Thats exactly why i made this guide for 3k and lower because ancients are blocked or contested in less than 1/5 games"

                                  I don't really find that to be true. If you lost t1 offlane on dire or mid on radiant and their opposing towers are still up, they seem to ward there pretty quickly and any gankers will find you, though you can probably kill gankers =p But when you are losing lanes and early game they do pressure your ancient farm pretty fast.

                                  Этот комментарий был изменён

                                    But what happen if your teammates farm the anciest? Concede?

                                    casual gamer

                                      farm other shit if the net worth is going to ur team who gives a fuck if its on sven or ta, have wolf ice ogre or kobold taskmaster follow u

                                      NOT GOOD ENOUGH

                                        spammed sven gain 200mmr within 2 days c':

                                        sven is a fast farm shitcake... sometimes i lose usually due to my stupid team who says "invoker training" in ranked >:(

                                        i easily up-ed about 500 stacks count within a week
                                        im a ns scrub :P

                                        i really need to learn to build blink dagger on here but usally i would call my team pick a good stun heroes

                                        Этот комментарий был изменён

                                          I have to tell that i dont stack and plays really dump but just becus sven is stupid and strong i still win by just getting hod, echo, blink. Just mindlessly farm for 15 min and you can get kills pretty easily. Damn i should pick sven more


                                            IMO daedlus is not good get AC instead

                                            NOT GOOD ENOUGH


                                              you want to wipe out your enemies fast! before they can even disable,stun,run away!

                                              Riguma Borusu

                                                "IMO daedlus is not good get AC instead"

                                                1200 MMR wisdom

                                                also not stacking with sven is like playing antimage without battlefury

                                                Этот комментарий был изменён

                                                  Get stucked


                                                    "IMO daedlus is not good get AC instead"

                                                    this made my day


                                                      lol "stucked in"

                                                      \\  VintageR  \\

                                                        one little problem bro
                                                        get slark'd


                                                          Can confirm sven is strong I've lost 3k smurfing (with slark) because enemy team 5 manned with sven.

                                                          BTW your guide is bad -- you should think situationally for your game, you shouldn't have a set way to do things. The other day I had to get armlet on sven (was vs brood, axe, died twice 0 -2), but otherwise I'd get hotd and stack and farm.


                                                            svens one of the easiest and best carries to play in pubs.


                                                              bloodthorns better than daedalus in almost all scenarios on any hero ud buy daedalus on as well


                                                                Can confirm sven is easy. One of the only wins I had on my friends 5.5k acc was with sven

                                                                Le balanced aura of +20 armor xd


                                                                  U can do the same shit with Luna

                                                                  casual gamer

                                                                    ac is trash at everything but sieging. if you just randomly buy ac in my games thats a sign to me that ur braindead tbh

                                                                    M U R D E R

                                                                      Crysalis is surprisingly cost-efficient on him


                                                                        ^crystalis and armlet are really cost-efficient on him

                                                                        Riguma Borusu

                                                                          The only reason I got AC last game was that the uptime on my buff was not enough to survive/kill TB if he focuses or kites me, and with AC and blood thorn on the target, along with sniper's build, we could deal tremendous damage, plus it allowed us to take rax and finish faster. In retrospect, however, having an abyssal blade probably would've been better, but I bought AC quickly when I had the money for it and it worked out fine.

                                                                          But AC is not fucking core on that hero and everyone who buys it every game is a fucking retard. I used to buy it a ton before there were moon shards and echo sabers, but those two items, along with ridiculous buffs to warcry, simply killed the item on this hero. There are armor starved heroes that don't build a ton of it, on the other hand Sven is actually SLOT STARVED and has a ton of armor with about 50% uptime, so learning to utilize warcry properly is probably better than spending a ton of gold on a less than a perfect item for the hero.

                                                                          Also +1 on blood thorn, the item's godly on Sven. Retards who say it's shit because it's dispellable need to go back to school and learn a thing or two about the importance of cooldowns, uptime, additional utility, the fact that your hero has a hard disable, and that YOU FUCKING CLEAVE GUARANTEED CRITS (and in a multi core lineup, EVERYONE crits for a good deal) and on top of all that, you get attack speed and mana regen.

                                                                          Этот комментарий был изменён

                                                                            Lets buy armlet on sven every game
                                                                            Rebel as fuck


                                                                              Luna is squishy and doesn't have le balanced +20 armor aura


                                                                                But mayb bloodthorne is more for pro games?

                                                                                Hanamichi Sakuragi

                                                                                  Guys can anyone confirm for me? Is Sven a cancerous hero? If not then I can have the dignity start spamming that low skill hero.


                                                                                    Don't think he qualifies as cancerous. But he is definitely low skill

                                                                                    Riguma Borusu

                                                                                      Sven's "outplay" potential lies in outfarming and killing everyone. It's pretty much blunt force, so there's no reason not to play the hero because it's simple. But having a sensible build, good farming patterns and game sense is still required to utilize him to any potential. If you go mom drums (and rush bracer like a fucking autist) you simply deserve to lose no matter what else you're doing.

                                                                                      @Jacked: Well, you still don't manage to hit 10cs/min in any of your sven games, so there's still a fuckton of room for improvement. it's not like it's bad to spam him because you'll quickly reach skill ceiling, so I have no idea why people bellow 6k are talking about how much skill it takes to play the hero, because hero's skill floor and difficulty are completely irrelevant bellow the MMR at which people have already ground 4k MMR by spamming a hero (in terms of getting stuck, it goes without saying that you're going to find an easier time grinding with the hero EXACTLY because it's easy to play).

                                                                                      And no, you get blood thorn pretty much every game because the item's too good, and you can farm it up rapidly (often uncontested, especially in your bracket). You can even go pt/dom into blink/echo into blood thorn at 20 and odd minutes and just start killing everyone by picking them off, I would say it is even better OUTSIDE the pro games because less people will even bother countering it anyway, and if it's countered, it's a fucking 8 sec cooldown, and the passive is nothing to scoff at, especially in terms of slot efficiency.

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                                                                                      Fee Too Pee

                                                                                        Sniper skadi make sven cry even bkb


                                                                                          Maybe if sven is 1k.

                                                                                          Why is he not blinking and 1 shotting you?


                                                                                            I've seen ppl building bt. I honestly wanna try it. but is it core though? Hmmm

                                                                                            I Always forget to stack when I play Sven because I have mental disorder. Fuk me

                                                                                            Riguma Borusu

                                                                                              @soy: why do you assume sniper will even let you blink, and how do you intend to take high ground against a similarly farmed sniper? depends on team composition though
                                                                                              @Jacked: it is not really core since you can kill a lot of people without any damage items (you can go armlet satanic with moon shard and still hit like a truck, or just opt for a daedalus), but it is really good, and if you play smart around it, it is much more useful than a daedalus could hope to be, guaranteed crits mean pickoffs are great, silence means that people will be forced to use dispels at times they don't want to and you can spam it because you have infinite mana due to regen bonus. Also, in case you've already baited dispels, the damage amp is INSANE. it's 45% damage increase for the duration of the debuff no matter what, plus it has some raw damage to boot, attack speed AND if the silence is not dispelled it'll deal 30% more damage which can be devastating. Blood Thorn somewhat raises the skill ceiling of the hero slightly because you have one more cooldown/active to worry about and utilize to full effect, but at the same time it makes the gameplay much easier, you do not have to commit your (aoe) stun if you just need to stop a channel, and you're actually much scarier in general because opponents have more things to worry about.

                                                                                              Another thing to note about BT is that you should get it every game against typical linkens builders (morph weaver etc) in NS (where you can easily outplay people this way because they are too stupid to use manta or bkb, for instance), because it lets you choose whether you stun or silence the guy if you're fast enough and/or his reaction time is crap. Still, in case it gets dispelled or you use it to break linkens and then have lower DPS because you do not have an active on the target, it's tough, but it still lets your stun go through so you have an option of getting some free hits. Previously, Sven's "linkens breaker" choices were limited to stuff like abyssal blade and halberd which are both very situational items (but you should still get them if you really need them, though halberd is basically dead).

                                                                                              Этот комментарий был изменён

                                                                                                I dumpster as sven (obviously im ns so just take that into account ye). But he can farm so fucking fast and deal so much dmg that as soon as he had blink he becomes relevant and never stops becoming relevant. Only problem is rlly late game if u blow ur ulti and its close u cud get rekt, but by then u can afford refresher so no biggie. I like bkb after blink cuz otherwise sven gets mad kited. And a lot of the time i go ac before crits cuz the attack speed is real nice, and it makes insanely tanky. Ur dmg is so high that i dont think u need crits until a bit later.


                                                                                                  I dont see a reason to get bloodthorn on a hero who who can already pack enough dmg. I mean as a luxury i can see it as sven can get farmed really fast, but i wud honestly prefer a forcestaff. All the bonuses u mentioned can be given by other items sven buys, and they also give him something else he wants too, like echo double hit or ac attack speed or daedalus crits. Sven doesnt need a silence either cuz he can burst most heroes while theyre stunned.

                                                                                                  Dire Wolf

                                                                                                    Well yeah and iron branches are the most cost efficent items in the game, 50g for +1 all stats? Are you kidding me? That's like 2000g for +40 everything!

                                                                                                    cheap items are balanced cus they take up slots. If you go armlet and echo and dominator and blink... you are 6 slotted like 20 mins in and selling stuff. That's why it's situational.

                                                                                                    Dire Wolf

                                                                                                      you guys are full of it or just really fucking lucky. Ancients warded from min 1 no joke, lc brain dead, late game between wyvern, daggers, puga I can't hit anybody. I'm telling you sven with retarded teammates is not an auto win at all.


                                                                                                      Gazz   ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

                                                                                                        It depends on the player. What if the player can't secure a last hit? Or if he is lane with ezalor + PA? The chakra + double dagger from PA is very powerful.

                                                                                                        I think Ursa is the better hero solution in the 3k bracket. Since 3k always ignore RS early game, its always a free aegis for ursa. Ursa can maul to death any supports gery quickly at lvl10. And the best part is, when he start hunting hero, it create space for your other carry to farm more safely. Since the enemy is too busy planning to stop ursa.

                                                                                                        I'm a 3k scrub and ursa really works in the 3k bracket. I have a 90% win as ursa with a KDA avg of 17-4-12, though I don't spam him coz he is so boring to play.

                                                                                                        Sven works. But Ursa > Sven