General Discussion

General DiscussionHIGH impact Support?

HIGH impact Support? in General Discussion

    I wonder what Support hero i could play to have some impact on the game. Im looking for a hero who needs No brain ( like Oracle) and thats not boring as fuck (omniknight). Lately i had some success with arc warden Support. What Do you think?


      all support heroes can have high impact and get you high mmr

      also don't play arc support, it's retarded

      it worked as pos 4 before Slow nerf, but now it's just trash


        Arc warden Support is stronk at least vs void.
        Yesterday i had a game where i played dazzle and enemy had spectre. I was buzzy all fight long to keep myself allive, never feelt like having less impact on game. Feelsbadman

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          Any support u like playing, game impact depends on your skill


            All support has high impact


              Dazzle is fun tho


                Personally i feel like for example ogre Magie will never be able to win a whole teamfight alone like omni or disrupter could. So i think ogre has less impact.


                  tell that to x4 multicast


                    Naga support is really good, If your having a good game with it, you could even transition to a carry


                      I like Shadow Shaman a lot. Very strong disable, good early game nuke, and powerful pushing with Ult. You pretty much can stay relevant the entire game.

                      Also, It feels great when you trap an enemy hero inside the wards FeelsGoodMan

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                        ^ i also like ss but somehow i cant win with him.


                          Disruptor, jakiro, Chen, tide that's my fav

                          All support has high impact and depend on your skill


                            witch doctor is the HIGHEST support too


                              I guess ill play a Bit disrupter today and C whats happening.


                                Winter wybern usually had the greatest impact in games. Affecting both the enemy teams ability to play properly, and your own


                                  winter can fuck up games hard for example they atack me get me 40% hp with od i use fucking bkb to rape them and winter start healing me and my bkb is gone and im about to use ulti for rampage at once but winter use ulti faster

                                  do u understand what winter can do ?


                                    also 1st pick WW into Tinker and Timber :^)

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                                        Io oracle chen venge wd, offlane lich dual


                                          Well op wanted a hero with great impact. Pretty sure if u don't use ur brain with ww u will certainly have a great impact. Brainless hero who can turn tide of any game!

                                          13 years yung

                                            ahgahha lul

                                            Dire Wolf

                                              Aren't no brain required and not boring mutually exclusive? Most of the no brain required heroes are pretty dull cus you just aim and fire and do not much else like omni or lich.

                                              Lich is such high impact in laning stage in pubs that he's a good support, but he's also super boring, just deny creeps, spam Q. And pubs can't handle his aghs ult at all.

                                              Jakiro I feel is very high impact, good tower dmg, good team fight, amazing in lane cus of that dot on an orb so he doesn't even draw aggro, but landing perfect ice walls needs half a brain at least.

                                              Disruptor is one of the best supports in the game but requires a full brain, all his skills require timing. And he does shit dmg so you need to pick him on a team with other nukers/team fight damagers.


                                                sinter is hard hero i recomnd 5k plus to play that hero


                                                  Play Sand King he is dirty throughout the entirety of the game. Go for arcanes, then rush blink, then go for aether lens, aghs, and octarine core.

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                                                  Président® Salted Butter


                                                    yung griphook

                                                      io if youre a god

                                                      Flaccid Jake

                                                        Disruptor, just don't fuck up glimpse and make sure to place aggressive lane wards.


                                                          This is plain stupid. If you dont make good questions you won't get good answers. There is not a single hero in the game that has any impact by itself. What matters are the players and the circumstances of the game. You have to look for the needs of your team and the strengths/weaknesses of the opposite one.
                                                          You need CC?
                                                          You need a healer?
                                                          You need a debuffer?
                                                          You think you'll have the gold you need for that support to be effective?
                                                          How likely is that support to get raped by their carry, midder or w/e?
                                                          How likely is that support to fuck with their safelane, midlane, jungler, etc.?
                                                          Then ofc, there's also your skill and your enjoyment of the hero....

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                                                            ^ i usually First pick to avoid a 1St pick slark or shit.


                                                              i mean omni is the king of bullshit if they dont kill you first, your team will probably win the fight.

                                                              other supports fairly balanced, im going to spam some spirit breaker and see how it works. hero requires very little mechanical skill, but is pretty fun and super good if you have decent game sense.




                                                                  i just play winter wyvern or lion or something and enjoy my game of dota. both of those heros r super fun to play. rubick too.


                                                                    ya but rub is useless in lane and if u dont have another support (which happens often in pubs) and their offlane is something like timber or bat then ur trash pub carry is gonna get rekt and proceed to throw the game.


                                                                      the myth of rubick being a useless laners a really stupid one. almost all of the top safelane picks atm (naix, jugg, slark, ursa, am and morph to an extent) have some way of being able to really pressure heroes out of the safelane and rubick amplifies that a lot. primarily against the first 4, its very difficult to lane against rubick+1s and stuff if ur competent.

                                                                      hes a kill support, not a trade and zone support

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                                                                      EZ MID 9k mmr

                                                                        dont listen to peasants, every region is different

                                                                        here is high impact for europe


                                                                          if u want first pick support id go with lion, safe first pick, strong lane support, high impact skill and can be initiator for gank and can solo kill squishy enemy support (or core with some luck).

                                                                          other high impact support include: roaming riki, disruptor, and mirana if u have mad arrow skillls.

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                                                                              what support u consider strong lane support then?


                                                                                Lane supports are almost dead, majority of supports are now roamers.

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                                                                                    venge - strong lane support


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                                                                                        anyway i can agree with your list but just dont understand how u think lion is not strong in lane


                                                                                          I got it, Meka, you probably trolling.

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                                                                                              Laning support for me is something like Warlock. You probably will not lose your lane at least, even if there is a jungler in your team and you are up against strong duo.

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                                                                                                  wow im thinking common offlaner like solo void/timber here, if you think dual cancer offlaner like undying+1 then venge is more useless in that match up


                                                                                                    anyway i think best support right now is oracle and omni but op specially mention that he dont want to play those two lol

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