General Discussion

General DiscussionGame is HARD

Game is HARD in General Discussion

    Check the chat log.
    BEGGINGGGGGG to stick together JUST ONCE. 64 minute game. we pushed together 0 times. 1 gem, because our lesh really wanted his octarine against a rapier ember. 7-26 lesh, 2-22 nature.
    Go ahead, tell me i'm the reason we lost, not the lesh and nature that tpd to their deaths 22 and 26 times. While the enemy team was pushing to end, lesh thought it would be a good idea to push a lane that techies had 64 min to mine, without a gem. Game is fucking hard. I have never seen anyone this bad in my 5 years playing this fucking game.

    playinginursockdrawer mm soc

      this is my first:

      >tfw no gamer girl peeing gf

        Yup, that is the number 1 reason to lose: team never 5-mans.

        Riguma Borusu

          the only reason to ever lose in 3-4k bracket is because you are not good enough

          and I say that after losing a game to a ruiner in my team who insisted to go mid with ogre and farm it despite us already having mid zeus

          there is certainly a way, some variables that I have not abused, that would have allowed me to win this game, but I am 3.3k atm and I do not know them, any 5.5k plus player would have made short work of this game

          therefore, I lost because I am not good enough to consistently win every match in this bracket, no matter the circumstances, and in order to win more, I need to improve

          Instead of complaining about others, even if they are retards, show them all you are much better and win those games. Right now you are at 50% winrate which means you are peaking, and those people are, in some way, as good as you will ever get unless you stop blaming others and start actually and honestly trying to improve.

          TL;DR: It is your fault, if being bad is your fault, because if you were much better, you would have won. This is actually the way chinese players think, and the reason they did not complain at TI1 after fountain hook abuse.

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              Actually its TI3 when the fountain hook happened to tongfu
              They went on to win TI4 tge next year lol


                Take it easy, you just lost, and your opponents do not.


                  we gandhi meta now, thank cr1t for that phase shift

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                    well, you're probably not the main reason you lost. But you definitely didn't become a reason why you won.