General Discussion

General DiscussionWhy am I always in "Very High Skill" bracket?

Why am I always in "Very High Skill" bracket? in General Discussion
Tea at Night

    Just recently starting playing again, and after 3 normal games I think, i am now being matched with 4k or 5k players then I will be teammates who abandons, some are retards too LOL.

    Anyways its just a bit unfair, do I play like smurf that's why Dota 2 is doing this to me? DAYUMN.

    Tea at Night

      Now my record is 2-11, how good is this shit? Hahahaha



        how cant u win 1 fucking vhs game hooooow
        just fucking afk farm and killsteal and push 5 man

        Do you see normal skill retards how you all dont belong to VHS and still ask for it and make thread


          yea my smurf also keep vhs .... fml , how i wish i keep in NS to keep those green day until the end of the month
          ================= GREEN MONTH===============

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            Now NS scrubs don't want to be in VHS?

            what did i miss...?

            am i in the same universe as yesterday?

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              ahhahah cookie +

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              Tea at Night

                I aint really NS Scrub.
                I consider myself just in the HS bracket, these VHS bracket is ridiculous where in fact im getting 3 games with teammates abandoned the fucking game.

                Anyways! Imma try my best to get back up. :D

                #Hot asawa ni Marcos

                  LOL NS scrubs


                    I reckon it sort of bases it off of your IP. Even if you say "first time playing dota" it will put you against people closer to your skill bracket unless you are really careful to make sure no smurf detection occurs.

                    I was able to make some smurfs where I legitimately got matched with new players, ie skill and item builds which made absolutely zero sense, and a level of game play where you cannot help but be entertained. Eg for this one - - I just basically spent the whole game ghost walked, and move commanded onto enemy heroes. This would of course then mean that when riki attacked them they would have no hope of escaping and he racked up two and a half dozen kills. It was funny as shit to just watch them run around unable to move.

                    My more recent smurfs however have been putting me against people who clearly know how to play the game and I would estimate them to be around the high 1k level, where it isn't really fun, it's just 1k players playing poorly but 'correctly'.

                    Might try again once I move to a new apartment/get a new IP etc.


                      ^ ever come across an entire 5 man team of bots in matchmaking not lobby? and when checking their match history it's filled to the brim with L's?