General Discussion

General Discussionhow does rtz dispel and dodge dream coil unlatch stun with manta?

how does rtz dispel and dodge dream coil unlatch stun with manta? in General Discussion
mom said it's my turn to ...

    do you have to stand a specific radius and use manta or just anticipate the animation and then manta? Or whatever

    casual gamer

      he was at the very edge of the coil

      @ is rtz

      now he mantas

      one of the 3 heros of manta is outside coil now. If it's RTZ he is free! otherwise hes still trapped


        What jdf said
        Plus its rtz


          Furion can use sprout to push himself (or a teammate) out as well I guess? Works for pounce latch too.

          Riguma Borusu

            ^you completely misunderstood why this works, this works because during the moment he changes position between "in range" to "out of range" the hero is INVULNERABLE, but during the moment he changes the position, the game tries to apply the debuff, which is impossible because the unit is invulnerable, both cases you mentioned will actually stun you, along with a number of other disposition spells as well that do not cause the unit to be invulnerable

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              I assume its also down to a bit of luck though, since he's not guaranteed to be the hero that ends up outside the coil. He could manta and still end up inside coil radius. Still its really impressive how he positioned himself perfectly at the edge.

              Livin' Real Good

                Yeah, it was luck, he knew the range to stand, and prayed for the manta.


                  "The formation of the owner and the illusions is always the same. One spawns on the owner's cast location and the others randomly on north, east, south or west side each."
                  In this video he spawned on the west side, but south would've also work, other 3 points would still be inside the coil, so he had 2/5(40%) chance of success. Going near North-East, North-West etc. is probably the best bet to get a reliable 40% chance of success. Though if you get close enough to East, North etc. points you can get 60% chance, but it would be pretty hard because you would need to go very close.


                    What yorkey said, you always have to remember to pray to the manta