General Discussion

General Discussionany suggestion with my sniper build?

any suggestion with my sniper build? in General Discussion

    The starting item is PMS and tango then i go magic wand and phase boots.

    On midgame i buy MoM, Dragon Lance and Cuirras... i was sold my PMS and wand so i can bring platemail ajd chainmail before go cuirras...

    Note: the bloodseeker was ragequit in midgame

    Giff me Wingman

      DOgshit build, DOgshit plays, you were useless,


        Ranged hero dont buy PMS
        Cuirass is shit on sniper, aura wont affect shits on your attack range and you wont manfight as a fucking sniper
        Rest seems ok
        Silver edge would've been good against BB and sniper needs some mobility too
        Dagger, or pike, or SE


          Assault Cuirass aura range - 900.
          Sniper attack range - 950.


            Does that range already include DLance?
            Still doesn't change the fact that cuirass is a dumb item for sniper


              No, add another 130 units on top of 950.


                I haven't tried him for awhile, seems too gimmicky to pick him right now

                Dire Wolf

                  Holy crap that build is awful as others have mentioned, pms on ranged, ac on sniper bad.

                  If you want a one size fits all build try:

                  Phase boots, aquila, dragon lance, s&y, butterfly, daedalus.

                  More situational builds include deso, silver edge/shadow blade, skadi, dominator/satanic. Bkb and mkb as needed obviously.


                    Phase boots, ring of aquila, Dragon lance, Mjollnir, skadi... gg. Mkb, daedalus, butterfly. I don't ever go silver edge or deso. Maybe a blink if needed hurricane pike

                    casual gamer

                      ac is terrible on sniper, the aura is not in ur autoattack range rofl

                      mom is ok

                      replace AC with MJ, sub in a pike after mael if you feel vulnerable

                      dont buy shield on ranged heroes, buy wind lace instead

                      casual gamer

                        yeah and buy aquila and situationally raindrop (raindrop replaces wlace i think)

                        Dire Wolf

                          Deso makes snper hit so amazingly hard, but is a squishy item so very situational glass cannon build.

                          I still think s&y is core, move speed, attack speed, hp. Sniper so squishy without some hp and skadi buildup sucks. Skadi dps actually sucks too for the price but the slow effect is really nice. It's a defensive item.

                          Sniper with s&y and skadi is impossible to kill but lacking in dmg.

                          casual gamer

                            ^ pretty much everything you said is 100% correct except

                            i prefer silver edge or complete pike over sny in this patch, but sny is still not bad. the slow on sny is just overnerfed IMO

                            pike hard counters bara pre bkb also


                              i stopped reading after he said he got ''pms'' on sniper

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                              Fee Too Pee

                                Mljonir + silver edge into skadi

                                ARC WARDEN

                                  RoA, Power Thread, Mjolnir, Hurricane Pike, Moon Shard til full slot.
                                  +Attack Speed, higher chance to get bonus damage from skill 2.

                                  Lets do Science

                                    Why are people talking like Sniper is actually going to get to use his true auto attack range any way? Like, who the hell just stands there and takes shots from the tiny dwarf a screen away when they can just jump him and rip his face off for ez 600+ gold?

                                    casual gamer

                                      ^ if ur playing melee sniper thats due to a positioning error on ur end, not a problem with the hero in 9/10 games

                                      Dire Wolf

                                        either way AC is not as good as other items on sniper


                                          1k scrub here but is mask of madness a valid pick on sniper?

                                          Fee Too Pee

                                            sniper ideally want to lane mid
                                            sniper generally do not need life steal
                                            ur job is not farming, but deal annoying damage from far away
                                            dragon lance + maelstorm is the way to go for mid game

                                            casual gamer

                                              sniper is a safelane hard carry

                                              ur #1 job as any carry is farming. lol

                                              Warren Buffneck

                                                You should always have at least 2 more desolators than your team.


                                                  ^some1 needs to explain that to ~1k players who won't stop at trying to force a fight with literally no farm.
                                                  I have had snipers on my team who went to fight with just a Mom.This shit just triggers me

                                                  Dire Wolf

                                                    Yeah I don't think you can play sniper mid right now. Ganked too easily.


                                                      A good sniper player can win mid easily, at lvl 6 he is so dangerous 1v1.


                                                        SNIPER IS NOT URSA
                                                        HE CANT FUCKING TAKE DOWN ANY HERO 1V1 WITH JUST A MORBID MASK
                                                        YOU BALANCE FARMING AND FIGHTING
                                                        fucking rambo snipers triggering me
                                                        And ya sniper mid is riskier than safelane, but viable is some situations

                                                        casual gamer

                                                          mid isnt a 1v1 lane lol


                                                            tbh sniper could be mid in the case scenario that enemy doesn't have ganking supports or a mobile enemy midlaner

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                                                            Fee Too Pee

                                                              Sniper is mid because u need both exp and farm. Sharpnel maxes hurts fuxk ton damagr


                                                                If u go MoM u have to buy something to escape with. U will just die in splendid fashion if u get jumped on otherwise. I usually go aquila, phase, dlance, maelstrom, pike, mjollnir, butterfly. However, u may need a manta or bkb sometimes but never build auras. U r too far away from ur team or the enemy for it to be useful. Mkb and shadow blade as needed. If ur good with blink u can buy but otherwise dont waste ur time cuz its rlly only used for escaping, or jumping into trees or some shit. Pms is dogshit just build wraith band. Go mid and max shrapnel and win the lane by default. Although very vulnerable to ganks, sniper is a beast of a laner, tho not lvl 1-2 similar to invoker in that regard.


                                                                  Especially against certain teams sniper can make good space for safe carry as mid. I just feel headshot dmg falls off hard and its too ez for a single blink initiation to insta kill him, so i feel scared depending on him as my hard carry. Dont get me wrong tho he is a beast late game tho.

                                                                  Optimus Drip

                                                                    Sniper can go mid, just don't ask him to go against an ember or some shit.


                                                                      What do you guys think about mobility item for him?
                                                                      I say pike > dagger > SB/SE
                                                                      Pike can save you against DoT or radiance, dagger is dagger, and SB is too easy to counter, I'd only build it on him if I need an SE to disable some passives