General Discussion

General Discussion4k crisis averted

4k crisis averted in General Discussion

    pudge op guys, brown boots-ring of protection-tpscroll into tranq rush into stick windlace-soulring-blink into ags/aether. rot lvl 1 qupe style. the only games i lose is where people are doing really really bad plays like 1000 mmr below their actual level. Also you buy wards smoke whatever.

    wher teh fuk is my star

    Эта тема была изменена
    I am 322 ! I am NOT DDZ !

      no star for 5k flat cucks like you


        u must update your mmr
        go to dota and when u set to be seen comends matchesf first date of game u go at mmr again and set and save

        Livin' Real Good

          Nigga copying me playing pudge. (jk) I became a support player/roamer, and my MMR is just going up! 4.7 right now! Congrats on the blue star big guy. Started playing Pudge this week for the first time in half a year, now i'm spamming him, he's too good. Xd

          Этот комментарий был изменён

            Yorkey You are adding like 400 mmr to your mmr I played a game vs you last night and the highest rated person in the game was 4310 mmr and it wasn't you .


            Going back to sleep played way to late last night .

            TIGER COMANDO

              Nope underlord is the best!

              doc joferlyn simp

                filthy chill let the boi have fun


                  oh shit, shots fired by filthy

                  Dr. Banana

                    I was curious, do people smoke gank at 4k?

                    BSJ. LGD

                      Jk guys I'm not 5k anymore, my cores are consistently bad for some reason, fat as fuk morph dies without buyback in front of our own base good stuff.

                      casual gamer

                        four head

                        2k indog monkey

                          Retards are in all bracket man
                          That's just how solo MMR works, you carry singlehandedly or you lose (which is why it's one of the most relevant way to determine someone's skill anyway)