General Discussion

General Discussionsafe lane OD

safe lane OD in General Discussion

    is it even good? is it better than mid? also how do playstyles differ
    skillbuilds? from the 2-3 guides for safe lane od build seems to be the old orb aura build with astral @ 1
    most popular build seems to be treads drums pike blink hex, any situations to stray from this?
    >5k players please advise, planning to try spamming this if its good

    lm ao
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        You are 1patch late don't pick that hero




            Not 5k, however let us know how well it works out so we may try it ourselves


              OD ez lane? Just pick drow, gather 5 and do a megacreeps in 15 min against a team which can not do a single shit against push

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                1 patch late? hes being picked in every >6k game now lol.


                  Drum pike is the build. It is good but you need a support that can keep you alive as you will attract a lot of focus (AKA omni, oracle, dazzle). Also you need a mid laner that can hit buildings as OD sucks at this. Usually you basically solo safelane while your supports just focuses on pulling/stacking jungle, you can crush most offlaners quite easily. This is why omni+OD is such a strong combo, omni generally is ass in lane but with OD he can just stack/jungle while you rape the lane anyway.


                    OD is still a viable pick this patch but not as strong like previous as the patch. I seen most ppl go treads, drum ,pike,bkb ,sheepstick.

                    Edit: VoD on him also sounds legit but never tried it before. Seen some ppl buy it on him.

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                      if ur going to max astral u should go midlane

                      if ur safelane u go windlace tango salve 2branch and go 1-0-2 at 3 or something then max ur w/e but ideally u wanna use astral to win u a lane

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                        "One patch late"
                        Hero is picked nearly every single game on MDL xd


                          Is the lvl 1 astral only for escape build is ok or already outdated?

                          BSJ. LGD

                            try arcane boots into silver edge travels octarine, its legit XD


                              fakka u


                                still max astral for faster farming