General Discussion

General DiscussionMorph Need a Nerf for SURE ?????????? Morph is the new Spectre before...

Morph Need a Nerf for SURE ?????????? Morph is the new Spectre before she go nerf in General Discussion

    Lets be real morph is the new cancer like spectre before , i think valve need to nerf morph real hard like they did with spec so morph can be back to niche carry hero. the hero is just too much with little to no direct counter. Ex : elder titan is not even that good againts morph anymre, lion need a lot of level and dagger to kill morph and hard to kill morph with linken + str morph and Morph is not a bad laner too with waveform unlike slark in the early level whre u can counter him prertty hard .


      One of the main reason why Morph is too strong , is because of his 3rd skill where he can just +str while being disabled or stunned. If valve will nerf his 3rd. Possibly he will be out in the meta , just (fuck his 3rd)

      casual gamer

        "elder titan is not even that good againts morph anymre"

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          KYLO REN

            @JDF8 Do u think elder titan still a reliable hero to counter morph ? are u kidding me ? even elder titan got nerfed .

            Mode adiman

              just pick AM/AA


                am is not gonaa be able to ult because fucking linkins and aa is just shotgunned down plus if am runs at him replicate BYE i hate that hero


                  Morphling needs to be counterpicked, if you have appropriate picks it can be dealt with but on its own it is a very scary hero. OD, AM, Drow, Storm, AA, ET, strong dual offlanes generally make morphling have difficult games.

                  Gazz   ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

                    silence is the counter to morph

                    But when he buy Manta or BKB, it's useless.

                    Lot of people are crying with PA 15% crit 'one-hit-support' while Morph Adaptive Strike is much more scarier.

                    But, morph is not OP if you ask me. He is fun to play and I hope he stays the same in the next patch


                      AA is a good counter unless he is lucky that he was not being comboooooo by that FUCKING 2nd skill + Ethereal


                        Pfft just put zeus and kill him at 10-20 min . He only got like 600 hp at that time so ez oneshot him. If that dont work try illu hero

                        casual gamer

                          its easiest with multiple counter heroes, pick 2 out of:

                          high burst damage/nukes
                          instant silence from fog or long range (think swm and clinkz, especially if he goes lance before finishing linkens)
                          natural order

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                            Why are 3ks complaining about morph

                            Final Boss

                              pick lion, he cant morph while hexed+his ult=one hit morph till 20+minutes. Clinkz with orchid reks him. Morph is countered by silences and hex. He cant morph str in duel either if you're an lc player.




                                  Nice point Isolated I assumed u assumed Morp always stay full agi all time so that he can feed lion?
                                  and when Clinkz orchid he still haven't gotten Linken?

                                  If and only if all this conditions fulfilled then you are correct Meow.

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                                  M U R D E R

                                    the 3-4k morphs are so bad lul

                                    i've seen mid lion with dagon fuck up morph lul with the hex thing (25 mins game so lion mid was okay)

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                                    KYLO REN

                                      what is wrong with u moon and star icon otaku nickname ? KOTL with 8% winrate ? why u still play it ? hahahah


                                        Why do u still play dota when u can't even reach 4k

                                        死の恐怖 Haseo

                                          Burnt ! Its ok for me to play dota even if i havent reach 4k cuz i just started this year


                                            I once can troll morphling at early game by placing nether ward behind trees. Its so funny to see em afk ruptured and dead easliy while he use attribute morph

                                            Millicent of Scarlet Aeonia

                                              Disruptor, silencer, Lion, lina, timber, huskar, Storm Spirit, Antimage, OD, ancient aparittion, bane, necrophos, doom, CK. Thx me later.

                                              Hanamichi Sakuragi

                                                NO NOT ONE OF THESE AGAIN, MORPH IS GOOD NOT OP OR ANYTHING LIKE THAT.


                                                  I think people who complain on heroes that aren't even op, just got dumpstered by them in a few games. In this case, op just be bitching and whining


                                                    ^ I truly hated troll of the sniper / troll patch until I started spamming sniper and getting that troll ass good.


                                                      morphling isnt a very good hero. hes very good in pubs because people dont know what his abilities do or how to pressure him.

                                                      A waifu a day keeps socie...

                                                        The fuck u talking about morph is a good hero, hes cancer and picked every game in high level pubs


                                                          NORMAL SKILL


                                                            Morph is countered extremely easily, and just pick a silence, for example. Riki can shit on morph, smoke so he can't morph strength and then it takes 4 or 5 hits to kill. It's your fault if the morph gets big.


                                                              morphlings not picked often at all in competitive because against organized teams its much easier to deal with him. the reason morphling does well in pubs is because he rarely sees any formidable/organized pressure in his lane, hes allowed to splitpush freely and people dont pressure the map correctly


                                                                ur 5300 mmr u dont need to tell me what a high level pub is thank u

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                                                                  whenever the phrase starts with "lets be real", u can be sure that what comes next is bullshit and nonsense


                                                                    Don't think he's quite as strong as Spectre was. I don't know about higher MMRs but hes not really a big deal in Normal Skill because nobody can actually play him well. And unlike Spectre you actually need a lot of skill and practice to pubstomp with this hero. I think he's fine where he.


                                                                      Lets be real. U can use Hurricane Pike while in the smokescreen. Not really a counter

                                                                      Besn1q 3.0

                                                                        3k shit complaining that morph is OP

                                                                        Welcome to dotabuff.


                                                                          lets be real the heroes not picked often in comp at all even though its actually picked quite often - lets be real a hero is only OP if it is being firstpicked in comp just like old OD/spectre Kappa lets just be real here guys SoBayed


                                                                            morphlings a stupid hero in pubs but acting like its hard to deal with him is a joke


                                                                              the issue in pubs is that people give him a nice lane which isnt the end of the world but after minute 6-7 people just afk and the laning stage lasts for like 15 minutes. then theres some 4v4 mid stalemate for the next 10. meanwhile morph has bots manta blink linkens and is just hitting ur sidelanes nonstop

                                                                              its basically the shit that swindle said in a recent interview

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                                                                              Preap Sovath

                                                                                I pick Techies against him or Lion


                                                                                  71,43% winrate at MDL :-)
                                                                                  I think that morphing while being stunned is the feature that makes him shine.