General Discussion

General DiscussionKickstart

Kickstart in General Discussion

    Does any of you VHS godliek 1337 players ever been a shit player before? When and how did you guys start to wreck havoc and gain those easy +25?
    No, I'm not complaining about my shit teammates
    I just need some sort of inspiration to keep me going


      1st game of dota I played, Build vlads on jakiro, fed like a mofo, was made fun of my friends but still had fun. Took me awhile to understand how the mechanics of the game work and the heroes, like what lasthits, denying, roshan, wards and items. Took me awhile to be not completely dogshit at dota. What I did was watching other people play(purge), asking my friends how some hereos worked. And just read shit ton of guides.
      What pushed me to get better was the nonstop ridicule I got because of my first mmr. My friends calibrated at like 3k while I calibrated like low 2k at that time. Got tired of their shit calling me noob, so I decided to git gud. And now Im the highest mmr among all of them.


        really the process is pretty simple, take hero, watch pro replays till you find the best gameplay of it and then practice it till you can do it exactly in a bot match then practice it in smurf acc till you can do it consistently then practice it at your current mmr.

        Example, 1400 gpm alche with 4 stacks cleared at 6, do it in a bot match, then do it at 2k-3k, then do it at your mmr.

        Repeat, eventually you will be able to play most heros without having to do the process, because a snowball moving down a hill gains speed.


          in 2k : new insight in farming pattern
          in 3k : comeback mechanincs and defence or break high ground..
          in 4k to 5k : still finding some clue lol... haha


            Ah man my first dota baxk then, i was playing dota1 with my fren and i bought bf on jakiro
            So nostalgic :))


              my 1 dota game is in dota1... buy vladmir for lina... lol... not even know the use of the skill... teammate always ask for stun but i do nothing
              coz i dun know what is stun... got trash talk really hard back then... really bring back memory... hahahaha...